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Agenda of the Week

Robotic Center alla Palestra dell'Innovazione di Roma

Agenda of the Week

Agenda of the Week

Webinar and labs for students, teachers, parents, grandparents, and citizens

A new week of activities kicks off for participants all ages, from children to the elderly, and for different roles and living conditions, from job seekers to entrepreneurs. Overall, more than ten projects are involved in the calendar of training activities, with in presence and remote activities.

Among the scheduled events, there will also be the eleventh appointment with Vagone FMD, From 01 to 100 in the Metaverse at Binario F.


Monday, February 20

10-12.30 | Educational Robotics Lab | Innovation Gym Robotics Lab | Città Educativa - Rome | Smart & Heart Rome | IC Tullio De Mauro Primary School | Coaches: Davide Belli and Andrea Santoro

10-12 | Graphics Lab | Factor J | 3 PS - Liceo Piaget-Diaz - Rome | Coach Susanna Bulgheroni

11.30-13 | System and Network Security Threats | Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity | Reserved for Palermo-Enna Chamber of Commerce Professionals  Palermo-Enna | Coach Piergiorgio Ricci        

16.30-18 | Video Editing Lab | Factor J

17-19 | Digital Animation lab – Parents and Children (primary school) | CS First | IC Rosetta Rossi | Coach Valentina Gelsomini


Tuesday, February 21

8.15-12.15 | Coding Lab | Classes IVC and VB, Primary School | IC Montessori (Municipio III) | Smart & Heart Rome | Coach Lara Forgione

14-17 | Module 6: First Test Flight | PCTO – Gym for Environmental Sustainability | Smart & Heart Rome | Liceo Amaldi - Rome | Coaches: Simone Mattogno and Federico Oliva

16-18 | Fact-checking Webinar | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Second-degree Secondary School | Coach Pierpaolo Salino

16.30-18 | Podcasting Lab | Factor J | Coach Susanna Bulgheroni

17-18.30 | Become a Data Analyst | Ambizione Italia for Work | Coach Piergiorgio Ricci | Youth and citizens seeking professional qualification/requalification


Wednesday, February 22

9.30-13 | Educational Robotics Lab | Innovation Gym Robotics Lab | Città Educativa - Rome | Smart & Heart Rome | I superiore Ciosf Lazio | Coach Marco Brocchieri 

10-13 | Advantages of Technology in Daily Life ( Digital Services for PAs) | Smart & Heart Rome | Colli Aniene Elderly Centre | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti

10-11.30 | Storytelling – The Recipe for Writing a Story | Webinar | Primary School | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Valentina Guerrera

10.30-12.30 | Privacy Policy | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Liceo classico Russell - Rome | Coach Susanna Bulgheroni

11-13 | Coding Lab (in presence) | IIS Fermi Galilei - Ciriè (Turin) | Coding Girls in Turin | Coach Marco Trapaglia

11-13 | Developing an App | Startup Lab | Job Digital Lab | Coach Elisa Chierchiello FMD Academy 

14.30-16.30 | Grandparents on the Internet in Tor Bella Monaca | Smart & Heart Rome | Liceo Amaldi students and over-65s from the Corcolle Elderly Centre, Rome

15-18 | Robotics and Electronics Lab for Teachers | Smart & Heart Rome | IC Traiano (Municipio X) | Coach Marco Brocchieri

17-18 | Your Digital CV | Job Digital Lab | Coach Roberta Moretti FMD Academy  


Thursday, February 23

11.30-13 | Defence Techniques and Tools | Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity | Reserved for Palermo-Enna Chamber of Commerce Professionals  Palermo-Enna | Coach Piergiorgio Ricci

11-13 | Communicating Kindly | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Second-degree Secondary School | Coach Valentina Guerrera

14.30-17.30 | Coding and Robotics Lab for Faculty at IC Wojtyla - Arzano (NA) and CD Pascoli - Grumo Nevano (NA) | CambiaMenti Digitali | Coach Stefano Spinelli

15-19 | Hacker vs. Hacker | Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity | Coaches at Campus Bio-Medico University - Rome | University Students in Rome

15-16.30 | Personal Data and Privacy | in-presence workshop for parents - IC Poseidone | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Susanna Bulgheroni

16.30-18 | Reviewing Times Tables | Webinar for Primary School Teachers | CS First | Coach Cristina Galfo

14.45-16.45 | Digital Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyping Lab | IC Piaget Majorana (Municipio III) | Smart & Heart Rome | Project “Open Schools” | Coach Marco Brocchieri

17-18.30 | Become a Data Analyst | Ambizione Italia for Work | Coach Piergiorgio Ricci | Youth and citizens seeking professional qualification/requalification

17-18 | Linkedin. Skills for the Recovery | Coaches, Social Impact Teams, Linkedin | Special Guest Rudy Bandiera | Individuals seeking employment


Friday, February 24

9.30-13 | Didactic Lab on Digital Citizenship for students at IC Via Poppea Sabina (22 students) | Interland Room Gaming Session| Innovation Gym Agorà | Città educativa - Rome | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Andrea Santoro

17.30-19 | Fake News and Fraud | Personal Data and Privacy | Webinar for Faculty at IC Aretusa | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Giusi Messina


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