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Who We Are

Who We Are

Who We Are


For over twenty years we have been committed to spreading the culture of innovation for a new knowledge economy as an engine for the country's development. We use digital technologies as a social accelerator, to fuel growth, well-being, productivity and competitiveness, convinced that an innovative ecosystem is a value for everyone, from citizens to businesses to cities. We work for a democratic knowledge society by combining innovation, education, inclusion, and core values so that the benefits benefit all people without excluding or leaving anyone behind. We work locally, nationally and internationally, developing models of intervention that can be replicated everywhere. Almost 200 social inclusion and innovation projects have been implemented so far, also financed with European funds. We intervene in emergencies with innovative and systemic solutions in strategic sectors for the country's development, precisely in terms of GDP (school dropouts, youth unemployment, gender equality, active aging, etc.).

The main operational headquarters is at the Città Educativa in Rome, the center of best practices and innovation, but we have activated other territorial hubs in Milan, Terni, L'Aquila, Palermo and Catania.


Research and development

As a knowledge-oriented non profit organization, we have developed an integrated action-research, development and implementation (ARD&I) program. This is a comprehensive and continuous cycle that combines academic work with the development of tools and projects in the areas of education, digital inclusion, and land and community development. A strategic aspect is "phyrtuality," that is, the integration of the physical and virtual dimensions in all innovation processes promoted. We share with everyone a rich and innovative platform for content, activities, tools and projects that address many of the strategic challenges of our time.

Education for Life Model

The model of education for life, developed by Alfonso Molina, integrates codified knowledge, skills and values and takes into account the most recent thinking on learning and education: it redefines the pillars of education for character development, takes into account Howard Gardner's multiple minds and intelligences, and enriches the framework of competencies for the 21st century with firtuality, the ability to integrate physical (spatial) and virtual (online) dimensions into a single approach of strategic thinking and actions. A competence that will become increasingly valuable.

The concept of education for life, in particular, includes six aspects, three of content (standardized knowledge, skills and core values) and three modes of learning (Lifelong learning, Lifewide learning, Lifedeep learning), integrates and develops different approaches.

Culture as common good

We promote the spread of culture and support citizens in digital transformation processes so that new forms of e-government are also models of good governance. We invest in schools and training because education is the key to development. Our education is "ubiquitous," we try to spread it everywhere, and it is "augmented," enhanced by digital tools and environments. The distance learning platform is developed with Moodle, an open source learning environment.


We work with a staff of changemakers and at the same time do research, academically. We have developed a personal development theory and training tool, the Personal Ecosystem Canvas, and devised other innovative formats for collective development.

Monitoring and evaluation

For many years and in multiple contexts, a new evaluation methodology, termed "real time," has been experimented with because it is already operational while the project is in progress and is enabled to suggest corrections and changes to planned actions. In fact, Real Time Evaluation (RTE) is an extraordinary long-term planning and programming tool for social innovation interventions as well, and enables the building of successful networks and partnerships. For this reason, for project evaluation we use the methodology reworked by Alfonso Molina, which allows to analyze the worthiness of a project through different conceptual tools (RTE-SI).

La nostra organizzazione

Renato Brunetti

Renato Brunetti

Mirta Michilli

Mirta Michilli

Alfonso Molina

Alfonso Molina

Elisa Amorelli

Elisa Amorelli

Sofia Barbè Cornalba

Sofia Barbè Cornalba

Claudia Belella

Claudia Belella

Cecilia Borzese

Cecilia Borzese

Debora Cavallo

Debora Cavallo

Eleonora Curatola

Eleonora Curatola

Cinzia Diana

Cinzia Diana

Valentina Gelsomini

Valentina Gelsomini

Elisabetta Gramatica

Elisabetta Gramatica

Ilaria Graziano

Ilaria Graziano

Manuela Martina

Manuela Martina

Annaleda Mazzucato

Annaleda Mazzucato

Francesca Meini

Francesca Meini

Naissa Niyaoui

Naissa Niyaoui

Onelia Onorati

Onelia Onorati

Marta Pietrelli

Marta Pietrelli

Miriam Pintore

Miriam Pintore

Sabrina Sicilia

Sabrina Sicilia

Vincenzo Sivero

Vincenzo Sivero

Cecilia Stajano

Cecilia Stajano

Alberta Testa

Alberta Testa

Daniele Vigo

Daniele Vigo

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