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The digital certificate system, which certifies knowledge and competences acquired in formal, informal and non-formal learning experiences, consists of multi-card pathways, inspired by the Education for Life model and aligned to the standards defined by the European reference frameworks on digital competences for citizens, teachers and trainers (DigComp 2.1 and DigCompEdu). The courses can be combined for customised continuing education.

Training certificates and credits

We are a body accredited by Miur for the training of school personnel according to Directive No. 170 of March 21, 2016 [see list of accredited bodies]. With certifications UNI 11601:2015 for coaching services and ISO 9001:2015 for "Design and delivery of training courses and research and consulting activities aimed at the dissemination of topics related to innovation and ICT. Coaching services."

A certificate of participation is issued at the end of each session.

In collaboration with other entities, specific training credits (e.g., cfu and ecm) are also issued.

The new "Codice del Terzo settore" stipulates that students and professionals can earn university training credits (cfu) by performing volunteer work (equated to community service).


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