Our challenges
We intervene in emergencies with innovative and systemic solutions in strategic areas for the country's development: educational poverty, youth unemployment, adult literacy, active aging, migrant inclusion, etc.

The numbers that matter
150k People reached by our services
50+ Active projects in Italy and in the world
200+ Partners between institutions, corporations and companies
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Your stories

Aurelia Cassar Docente di lettere Roma
Vivi Internet, al meglio was a great achievement and, above all, it involved boys and girls at a very delicate age who are particularly exposed to the dangers of the Internet and social media. For example, one of my students last year was the victim of a dangerous situation, becoming the object of online attention from a stalker in adulthood. We also got out of it thanks to the postal police and, aware of this case, we were happy to undertake a path that protects young people from these dangers by providing tools to be used preventively.