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Educational innovation


Educational innovation

Educational innovation

We invest in schools and training, enhancing the role of teachers as agents of change. We create educational pathways that leverage the use of digital solutions to transform the learning of curricular disciplines into an engaging experience.

We intend to create educational pathways that leverage the use of digital solutions to transform the learning of curricular disciplines into an engaging and transformative experience, capable of soliciting those knowledge, skills and values that are central to the educational model FMD has always pursued.

Enhancing educational offerings, improving faculty skills, and strengthening the infrastructure and technological tools for teaching. Three actions under Mission 4 of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan that alone are worth an investment of more than 19 billion euros. Among the first approved reforms, which will take effect from the 2023-2024 school year, a mandatory training for teachers of all levels on digital skills and the critical and responsible use of digital tools.

In line with the directives of the Ministry of Education within the framework of the PNRR actions, the FMD proposes a tailor-made training offer for teachers of all levels who want not only to update their STEAM skills, but also to actively contribute to the innovativeness and multidisciplinarity of the educational paths proposed in the classroom and to guide the process of innovation and digital transition within their school.

The interventions are based on some fundamental pillars:

  • the construction of an open educational ecosystem to foster the development of "facilitating contexts" and the emergence of Community Pacts that can facilitate incremental innovation processes and motivate the entire educational community.
  • The ability to implement sustainable actions and build interventions from schools' existing resources with small investments. This translates into supporting the construction of projects focused on international and national educational priorities, through learning design, implementation of best practices, definition of workflows, mobilization of useful skills, initiation of operational communities, monitoring and real-time evaluation.
  • The creation of replicable solutions that can be adapted to different contexts because they are designed in an agile and flexible way. FMD accompanies schools in the creation of equipped environments, the Innovation Gyms, which are open to new configurations according to the needs and vocations of the school and possible local synergies.
  • the centrality of the multiplier effect and peer to peer methodology, with ambassador teachers training their colleagues and making tools, approaches and teaching activities available to the entire school community according to the values of open sharing.

Each training proposal is packaged from the Education for Life Model that integrates learning of disciplinary knowledge with digital skills, life skills and values for responsible citizenship. An integrated program of action-research, development and implementation (ARD&I) allows us to complement the implementation of activities with the development of platforms, tools, resources and knowledge objects: from personal and collective learning tools (Personal Ecosystem Canvas) to physical and virtual digital environments, to Moocs, curriculum mapping, videopills, active methodologies and open-code products made by teachers for other teachers and available on the FMD Academy online platform.

The different levels of school involvement and skills developed by teachers (experimenter, creator, innovator, pioneer) are recognized through an open badge system inspired by the Education for Life model and aligned to the European DigCompEdu standards. Teacher open badges recognize teachers' active engagement in designing, implementing and sharing concrete initiatives in educational, civic and digital innovation.

The experiences and projects of educational innovation

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