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Vivi Internet, al meglio

Vivi Internet, al meglio

Vivi Internet, al meglio

Vivi Internet, al meglio

Fondazione Mondo Digitale joins the educational alliance of "Be Internet Awesome", the project Google dedicates to teachers, students and parents to experience how to live the web responsibly.


The Digital World Foundation enriches the program with innovative and experiential formats from the five training modules created to learn how to live well with the opportunities of the web, to access information, develop knowledge and connect with people around the world

    use technology with common sense

    learn to distinguish true from false

    guard your personal information

    spread kindness

    when in doubt, talk about it


"Live the Internet, at its Best" offers parents structured advice on digital literacy and a quiz to see if they have the knowledge they need to tackle the topic with their children. For teachers, the project provides a free course on digital literacy with a guide to share content and activities with students in the classroom. In the youth section, famous youtubers help children become more aware of their online presence and reflect on the possible consequences of their actions. From April 2021, the project will also include activities for students and their grandparents.

  • 24 months of the project
  • 80 teacher facilitators
  • 80 FMD facilitators
  • 32,000 teachers (including 12,000 trained in attendance)
  • 10,000 parents
  • 3,000 grandparents
  • 240,000 students reached with trained teachers
  • 25,000 students trained
  • 1 narrative text - "Interland: digital adventures"
  • 1 board game - "Interland"

For teachers and parents: training webinars on digital citizenship and online safety.

For primary and secondary school students: training workshops on.

  • Privacy & data with the Postal Police
  • Digital storytelling to tell an experience, a story, or a part of oneself while respecting the principles of netiquette
  • Fact checking to learn how to identify the pitfalls of online communication and develop critical sense
  • Kind communication to counter cyberbullying and online hate.

For the over 60s webinar on

  • Fake news and scams to learn how to distinguish the real from the fake
  • Data and privacy to learn how to guard your personal information
  • Digital storytelling to tell an experience, a story and enhance the experience of grandparents as "analog witnesses" of a time that young people did not experience. The activity involves interaction between elders and youth to foster intergenerational exchange and learning.

All content is available at

For information

Marta Pietrelli, project assistant

cell +39 06 42014109

Your stories

Fabrizio Testa

Fabrizio Testa docente di diritto ed economia politica Savigliano (Cuneo)

L'efficace formazione di Vivi Internet, al meglio mi ha reso ancora più sensibile, come docente ma anche come cittadino, a questi temi: non solo i nostri studenti, ma anche tutti noi, siamo immersi nel digitale e dobbiamo conoscerne i rischi per poterne apprezzare al meglio le potenzialità. 

Eleonora Conte

Eleonora Conte 18 anni studentessa Savigliano (Cuneo)

Ho ricevuto un messaggio dove mi è stato richiesto di pagare una tassa doganale cliccando su un link per sbloccare un pacco in arrivo. In passato avrei cliccato istintivamente anche solo per curiosità, ma grazie alle informazioni apprese durante i webinar di Vivi Internet, al meglio non ci sono cascata! 

Aurelia Cassar

Aurelia Cassar Docente di lettere Roma


Vivi Internet, al meglio was a great achievement and, above all, it involved boys and girls at a very delicate age who are particularly exposed to the dangers of the Internet and social media. For example, one of my students last year was the victim of a dangerous situation, becoming the object of online attention from a stalker in adulthood. We also got out of it thanks to the postal police and, aware of this case, we were happy to undertake a path that protects young people from these dangers by providing tools to be used preventively.


Nicoletta Vulpetti

Nicoletta Vulpetti formatrice Roma

Vivi Internet, al meglio also helps to create facilitating contexts for bringing up cases of cyberbullying within the school, which can then be addressed in a shared way as an educational community.

Vanna De Candia

Vanna De Candia Genitore Roma

Vivi Internet, al meglio has given me tools to help my children, teens and preteens, take advantage of technology without getting engulfed by it and not putting themselves in danger. And enabling children's access to social media requires knowledge tools.

Eugenio Trucco

Eugenio Trucco 19 anni studente Savigliano (Cuneo)

Mi hanno colpito i rischi relativi alla scarsa sicurezza del web. Ora quando navigo sui siti internet presto maggiore attenzione alla loro sicurezza, controllo che sulla barra degli indirizzi ci sia il lucchetto ed effettuo gli altri controlli che avete suggerito durante il percorso di Vivi Internet al meglio, anche per evitare virus informatici o truffe.

Meris Gatto

Meris Gatto docente Volpago del Montello, Treviso

Con Vivi Internet, al meglio sono stati affrontati i vari temi, come benessere digitale, privacy policy, fact checking, cyberbullismo e odio online, storytelling. Laformazione mi ha permesso di approfondire alcuni aspetti di internet che non conoscevo e che ho potuto poi condividere in classe con i miei alunni.

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