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Agenda of the Week

Maker con Smart & Heart Rome

Agenda of the Week

Agenda of the Week

Webinars and labs for students, teachers, parents, grandparents and citizens

After the May Day holiday, here we are on the eve of the sixteenth edition of the RomeCup, which begins tomorrow (May 3) at the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome. All information is available at

During the week, there will be two hackathons. The first will take place as part of the RomeCup and involves students participating in the Rising Youth project, promoted with Sap. The second is part of the Coding Girls programme. The appointment is next Saturday, May 6, at the University of Pisa.

The digital manufacturing course for teachers continues at the Via Volsinio Comprehensive Institute. This cycle of seven meetings is part of Project Future Workshop, funded by the PNNR tender on "Digital Spaces and Tools for STEM." The teachers, coordinated by Mauro Del Santo and Daniele Vigo, will learn to use the school’s Fab Lab machinery to develop inclusive and innovative didactic activities. At the end of the laboratory meetings, the ten teachers will share what they have learned with their colleagues, as a first step towards autonomy in the use of the Fab Lab and their participation in the development of maker courses for the “Our School” Community.

Also, remember that the final phases of the  All Digital Annual Campaign are underway (April 17 – May 7). 


Tuesday, May 2

8-9.50 | On-site session at IIS Fermi Galilei - Ciriè | Coding Girls in Turin

11.30-12.30 | Food Disorders Webinar | Factor J | Coach Federica Boniolo | with Daniela Mondatore (CittadinanzAttiva) and Doctor Leonardo Mendolicchio | 

14.30-18.30 | Coding and Educational Robotics Course | CambiaMenti Digitali | Teachers from IC Giovanni XXIII - Naples and IC Romeo Cammisa di Sant’Antimo (NA) | Coach Stefano Spinelli

14.30-16.30 | The Shape of an Idea (Fab Lab) | fourth meeting | Mind the Gap | Year 3, IC Calcutta - Milan | Coach Makers Hub

15.30-18.30 | Sustainable Fashion (PCTO) | Smart & Heart Rome | in collaboration with the Masters in Fashion Studies at Sapienza University | Enzo Rossi and Giorgi Woolf | Coaches: Gianni Denaro (Sapienza), Irene Caretti and Daniele Vigo

16.30-18 | Languages for Inclusion | CS First | Primary school teachers | Coach Lara Forgione

17-18.30 | Multimedia Communication | Ambizione Italia for Work | Coach Elisa Chierchiello


Wednesday, May 3

10-12 | On-site session at IIS Ferrari-Mercurino | Coding Girls in Turin | Coach  Giorgio Fontana

14.15-17.15 | Coding & Robotics: Schools of the Future | CambiaMenti Digitali | IC Europa Unita - Afragola (Naples) | Coach Stefano Spinelli

16.30-18 | Project Management | Ambizione Italia for Work | Coach Roberta Moretti

18-19.30 | Fab Lab Devices Session | IC Volsinio - Rome | Coaches: Daniele Vigo and Mauro Del Santo


Thursday, May 4

14-17 | Innovation School: Coding & Robotics | CambiaMenti Digitali | Angelo Mozzillo Middle School - Afragola (Naples) |Coach Francesca Paciello

14.30-18.30 | Coding and Educational Robotics Course | CambiaMenti Digitali | Teachers from IC 76 Mastriani and IC Campo del Moricino - Naples | Coach Stefano Spinelli

15-17 | On-site session at Liceo Galilei - Palermo | Coding Girls | Coach Francesco Passantino

16.30-18 | Become a Software Developer | Ambizione Italia for Work | Coach Cristina Galfo

17-18.30 | Cyberbullying and On-line Hate | Teacher training session | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Coach Marianna Martini

18-19.30 | Fab Lab Devices Session | IC Volsinio - Rome | Coaches: Daniele Vigo and Mauro Del Santo


Friday, May 5

8-12 | On-site session on Marvel software at Liceo Mazzini - Naples | Coding Girls | Coach Salvatore Granata

14.30-18.30 | Coding and Educational Robotics Course | CambiaMenti Digitali | Teachers from IC Giovanni XXIII - Naples and IC Romeo Cammisa di Sant’Antimo (NA) | Coach Stefano Spinelli

14.30-16.30 | On-site session at Liceo Savarino di Partinico (PA) | Coding Girls | Coach Gloria Maria Cicciari

15-17 | On-site session at Liceo Fermi - Bologna | Coding Girls | Coach Gerardo Gervasio

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