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Agenda of the Week

Coding Girls

Agenda of the Week

Agenda of the Week

Webinars and labs for students, teachers, parents, elders and citizens

The week beginning today – Monday, November 28 – features nearly forty educational sessions for participants of all ages, both in presence and on-line.

In particular:

  • Presentation of the third edition of Factor J, today at 11:00, at the Accademia dei Lincei.
  • Press Conference to kick off the ninth edition of Coding Girls, tomorrow at the American Embassy in Rome (11:00)
  • Job Digital Lab local event in Genoa tomorrow at 3:00



Monday, November 28 

28.11 9-15 | Storytelling  | Coding Girls in Mozambique | “Train the Trainers” with coaches and tutors from Mozambique | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti

9-13 | STEM Labs | Digital Manufacturing | Smart & Heart Rome | IC Via Poppea Sabina | 

9.30-13 | Coding Lab | Smart & Heart Rome | Rome Città Educativa | IC Tullio De Mauro Primary School, Year 5 | Coach Lara Forgione 

9.30-13 | Digital Manufacturing | Smart & Heart Rome | Fab Lab, Innovation Gym | Rome Città Educativa | IC Tullio De Mauro Primary School, Year 5 | Coach Davide Belli 

10.30-12 | OfficinaDigitale - Digital Workshop Help Desk | Over-65s |Coach and Tutor, Gianmattia Mignone and Edoardo Mancini

11-12.30  | Storytelling | Fully Enjoy the Internet | First-degree secondary school | Coach Valentina Guerrera

16.30-18 | Mini Joule | COde&FraME for Self-empowerment | Second-degree secondary school | with Startup Joule ENI

16.30-18 | Serious Game | Ambizione Italia for Work | Youth | Coach Jacopo Zuliani 

17.30-18.30 | Become a Social Media Marketer | Ambizione Italia for Work | Students and young unemployed - future jobs orientation | Coach Daniela Brunno 


Tuesday, November 29

10.30-12 | OfficinaDigitale - Digital Workshop Help Desk | Over-65s | Coach and tutor, Gianmattia Mignone and Edoardo Mancini

15.30-18.30 | Blue Economy: Sustainable Growth is No Longer Only Green | Job Digital Lab | Genoa | Coaches Start 4.0

16.30-18 | Adventures for Archaeologists | CS First | First-degree secondary school teachers | Coach Andrea Rotondo

17.30-18.30 | Digital Wellbeing | webinar | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Parents | Coach Valentina Guerrera


Wednesday, November 30

9.30-13 | Digital Manufacturing | Smart & Heart Rome | Fab Lab, Innovation Gym | Rome Città Educativa | IC Tullio De Mauro Primary School, Year 3 | Coach Emanuele Coletta

9.30-13 | Coding Lab | Smart & Heart Rome | Rome Città Educativa | IC Tullio De Mauro Primary School, Year 3 | Coach Valeria Cristino 

9.30-13 | Robotics Lab | Smart & Heart Rome | Rome Città Educativa | IC Tullio De Mauro Primary School, Year 3 | Coach Marco Brocchieri

10-12 | Intergenerational Workshop on Storytelling | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Istituto comprensivo Via Aretusa (25 students) and 5 elders (ANTEAS) | Coach Susanna Bulgheroni 

10-11.30 | Cloud Jobs | Roll Cloud | High School, Years 3-5 | Coach Sara Magrini

10-11.30 | Storytelling. La ricetta per scrivere una storia | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Primary School | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti

10.30-12.30 | Intergenerational Workshop on Storytelling | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Istituto comprensivo G. Macherione (18 students and 5 elders, ANTEAS) | Coach Valentina Guerrera   

10.30-12 | OfficinaDigitale - Digital Workshop Help Desk | Over-65s | Coach and tutor, Gianmattia Mignone and Edoardo Mancini

11.30-13 | Job Talk with Women 4 Security | Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity | Youth, Students, Citizens 

15-19 | Hacker vs. Hacker | Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity | Rome Campus Bio-Medico University | University students

15-16 | Digital Literacy for Senior Citizen Centres (Rome) | Smart & Heart Rome | CSA Dragoncello, Municipio X, Coach Edoardo Mancini

16.30-19.30 | Final meeting, Imagine Grow Develop (ICS) Lab | Teachers | Coach Valentina Bova


Thursday, December 1

9-15 | Storytelling  | Coding Girls in Mozambique | “Train the Trainers” with coaches and tutors from Mozambique | Coach Lara Forgione

10.30-12 | OfficinaDigitale - Digital Workshop Help Desk | Over-65s | Coach Andrea Santoro

15-16 | Digital Literacy for Senior Citizen Centres (Rome) | Smart & Heart Rome | CSA Lungomare Toscanelli, Municipio X, Coach Edoardo Mancini

17-18.30 | Become a Project Manager | Ambizione Italia for Work | Students and young unemployed - future jobs orientation | Coach Roberta Moretti

17-18.30 | Cyberbullying and On-line Hate | Fully Enjoy the Internet | teachers | Coach Giusi Messina 


Friday, December 2

9-13 | STEM Labs | Digital Manufacturing | Smart & Heart Rome | IC Melissa Bassi | Coach Emanuele Coletta  

10-13 | Robotics Lab | Smart & Heart Rome | Rome Città Educativa | IC Gigi Proietti Primary School, Year 1 | Coach Andrea Santoro

10.30-12 | OfficinaDigitale - Digital Workshop Help Desk | Over-65s | Coach Andrea Santoro

11-13 | Intergenerational Workshop on Storytelling | Fully Enjoy the Internet | "Antonino Pecoraro" First-degree Secondary School (26 students), 6 over-65s from Anteas | Coach Valentina Guerrera   

12.30-14.30 | Intergenerational Workshop on Storytelling | Fully Enjoy the Internet | IC 57 San Giovanni Bosco (20 students), 5 over-65s from Anteas | Coach Claudia De Crescenzo

16.30-18 | Serious Game | Ambizione Italia for Work | Youth | Coach Jacopo Zuliani

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Buone feste

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