Prodigy, which stands for PROmoting Digital and Green Skills for Youth, is an innovative European project for the growth and professional qualification of young people who are not in education...
Prodigy, which stands for PROmoting Digital and Green Skills for Youth, is an innovative European project for the growth and professional qualification of young people who are not in education...
Now in its fourth edition, Rising Youth is a project born from the collaboration with SAP Italy, a leading company in the sector of IT solutions for businesses. The objective...
The first Roman Leis, Lego Education Innovation Studio, was launched by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale on the occasion of the 2013 RomeCup. Teachers are trained using the Train the Trainers...
Cloud computing and artificial intelligence are two fundamental pillars of today's technological innovation: their intertwining is transforming the way we live and work, bringing significant benefits and opening up new...
A multi-event dedicated to the innovation ecosystem on three axes: robotics, artificial intelligence, and life sciences, with a strategic vision: new generations as an enabling technology for development. Since 2007...
ProjectSciCo+ - High Professional Skills for Advanced Science Communication is implemented as part of the European Erasmus+ Programme in partnership with: Fondazione IDIS-CittàdellaScienza, Italy (lead partner) High Technology for Cultural...
The digital community service project è-Semplice... ecity... Etuttaroma was born from the agreement between the Italian Association of Foundations and Philanthropic Organizations (Assifero), as the owner, and the Fondazione Mondo...
The objective of SMart Innovative Learning for Employment (acronym Smile), a project selected and supported by the Fund for the Digital Republic - Social Enterprise (Prospettive call for proposals), is...
‘Young people are powerful agents of change and innovation as well as essential partners in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [...]. Young people have the right...
The Supporting Women, Arousing Talents (Swat) project, funded by the Fund for the Digital Republic - Social Enterprise ( Futura Future call for proposals), promotes training courses on digital skills...
The project was born out of a collaboration with Studio legale Gianni & Origoni (GOP) and Urban Vision to combat gender-based violence in all its forms with awareness-raising and training...
The project, coordinated by Gema (the Italian Association for the Development of Computer Literacy) is financed by the Department of Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers...