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Roll Cloud. Lavorare sulla nuvola

Roll Cloud

Roll Cloud. Lavorare sulla nuvola

Roll Cloud. Lavorare sulla nuvola

Course dedicated to schools in Piedmont and Lombardy. Fourth edition

Cloud computing and artificial intelligence are two fundamental pillars of today's technological innovation: their intertwining is transforming the way we live and work, bringing significant benefits and opening up new opportunities. 

Within Opening Future, a joint project of Intesa Sanpaolo, Google Cloud and TIM Enterprise, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale ETS, together with its partners, is offering the fourth edition of an innovative training course for the 2024-2025 school year that combines transversal skills with more technical skills, through meetings with business experts, orientation sessions and creative challenges to discover cloud computing and its relationship with artificial intelligence.

  • Help young people develop digital and transversal skills
  • Guide students towards STEAM study and career opportunities through the testimony of experts in the field
  • Accompany students in a self-reflection on their strengths and skills
  • Encourage young people to try their hand at creative challenges to put into practice what they have learned during their training.

The programme is aimed at 2,000 secondary school students in the first and second grades in the Piedmont region and 100 university students in Piedmont and Lombardy.


The programme includes the following activities:

  • Cloud Roll Talk. A 90-minute interactive webinar to discover the cloud, artificial intelligence and the main professions related to new technologies. Each webinar includes the testimony of a business expert.
  • Roll Talk. A 90-minute webinar in which an Intesa Sanpaolo trainer guides students through a session on orientation, soft skills and transversal competences.
  • Orientation session with the PEC (for students in the last two years of high school). A two-hour guided and facilitated session with the webapp of the Personal Ecosystem Canvas, an innovative self-reflection tool dedicated to personal development that allows each person to evaluate their strengths/weaknesses and skills, define growth objectives and monitor them over time.
  • Easy Cloud Story. Students take part in a group creative challenge – on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and on the themes of Diversity & Inclusion – which is revealed during the first webinar (the challenges are differentiated for the different target groups)
  • Creative Day. The teams with the best projects, selected by a jury of experts, will participate in a final challenge in Turin in April 2025 for lower secondary and upper secondary schools, and in May 2025 for higher education students.

For students in the three-year programme, 30 hours are recognised for the Transversal Skills and Guidance Pathways.


With the Volontariato di competenza (VdC) model, professionals from Intesa Sanpaolo, Google Cloud and TIM Enterprise with different professional profiles are involved in the training, including:

  • Cloud Architect
  • Cloud Systems Engineer
  • Cloud-Native DevOps Engineer
  • Cloud Specialist
  • Cloud Operations Administrator
  • Cloud Security Specialist

Teachers interested in participating with their classes can register by filling in the online form (to access it you need to enter your school's mechanographic code). Once you have registered, you will receive the training calendar, which you can consult to select the dates of the two appointments according to your preferences.

For information, please contact Elisabetta Gramatica

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