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Social robotics and the challenges of inclusion and sustainability

A multi-event dedicated to the innovation ecosystem on three axes, robotics, artificial intelligence and life sciences, and with a strategic vision: new generations as an enabling technology for development.

Since 2007, RomeCup has been bringing new generations closer to the study of scientific subjects and developing skills and professional profiles for employment. Each edition proposes new "red threads" (women in science, robotics spin-offs, Industry 4.0, life sciences, etc.) to create connections and enrich the innovation ecosystem with vertical and transversal alliances.

The focus of the 15th edition is on orienting young people to the jobs of the future and trends in technological innovation. We explore the Human Robot Interaction area, delve into the applications of artificial intelligence in cyber security, and discover new professions in medicine and biomedical engineering that meet the challenge of consilience, the convergence of different disciplines.

Educational workshops, robotics competitions, university orientation sessions, creative contests, hackathons, inspirational talks, role modeling sessions: the RomeCup engages in an extraordinary immersive experience about the present and future of mankind.

It is an original vertical accelerator model for development, involving schools, universities, research centers, startups, SMEs and production districts.

In Italy there are sector fairs (industrial robotics), category competitions (RoboCup Junior, Nao Challenge, etc.), educational robotics Olympiads (Miur), festivals (Pisa), etc., but no event is as transversal as RomeCup, capable of involving so many different audiences and making everyone a protagonist.


    Increase public confidence in technology

    Engage the public in an event without borders

    Spread the benefits of social, inclusive and sustainable robotics

    Stimulate research and development of service technologies

    Prevent the robotic divide

    Reinforce a virtuous model of "vertical accelerator" based on robotics as "anti-discipline"

The video story of the 2022 edition


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