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Francesca Meini

Francesca Meini

Francesca Meini

Master's Degree in Italian Literature, Philology and Linguistics

WHAT I DO: I coordinate social impact projects, with a touch of creativity and a lot of attention to detail. I believe in small changes that can lead to big results, especially when you put your heart into it.

WHAT I DREAM OF: continuing to love my job as much as the first day; always finding new exciting challenges and ideas to strive for. Don't even think about talking to me about boredom!

MY WORDS: #motivation #passion #transformation #commitment #curiosity

I've been working at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale since 2014. After working for years in communications and media relations, I specialised in managing social responsibility projects, overseeing strategic partnerships with important companies, especially in the ICT world (, Facebook, TIM, Ericsson). Today, I coordinate national programmes for the dissemination of digital skills, from citizens to public administration, alongside Microsoft and ING Italy. 

I'm responsible for the ‘Implementation’ area and I also act as executive assistant, facilitating the organisation's management work as much as possible and collaborating in the drafting of strategic documents for institutional communication (presentations, speeches, social report, impact assessment, etc.). 

I am an avid reader (when I can find the time!) and TV series addict. I love music, with an unbridled passion, and also have a soft spot for singer-songwriters from the past. I am the mother of Matilde.

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