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Naissa Niyaoui

Naissa Niyaoui

Naissa Niyaoui

In my professional career, I have had the opportunity to explore different areas, facing significant challenges that have enriched my experience. I have acquired skills in both the third sector and the for-profit sector. I have dealt with various issues, from the needs of foreigners to social inclusion, from environmental sustainability to the protection of consumer rights. Each project helped to shape my skills and develop solid operational abilities.

WHAT I DO: I am a project officer and I implement projects that aim to promote and improve the digital skills of citizens.

MY DREAM: to expand the impact of the projects by reaching more and more people and communities, in particular by building bridges between different generations. I also dream of keeping alive the curiosity and the ability to be amazed that I consider fundamental ingredients for facing daily challenges at work.

MY WORD: structure, organisation, amazement, diversity and sustainability.

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