Mirta Michilli
PhD in International Business Management
Co-ideator and General Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale (formerly Consorzio Gioventù Digitale) since its foundation in 2001. The FMD is a non-profit organisation founded by the City of Rome, the Lazio Region and six major ITC companies.
Mirta has worked as a consultant on issues related to innovation for the city councils of Rome, Bologna and Livorno, contributing to the development of the first civic networks promoted by local administrations, including the Iperbole Network.
In 1999, Mirta co-founded Helios ICT Management Ltd, a spin-off from the University of Edinburgh. In 2002, she coordinated the process that led the City of Rome to assume the presidency of the European Telecities Network (later the Eurocities Knowledge Society Forum, www.eurocities.org), a network with over 120 capitals and major cities in the European Union as partners, and coordinated the technical table assigned to implemented the action plan guidelines.
She holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in International Business Management from the International School of Management in Paris and has successfully completed postgraduate DBA courses at Saint John University in New York on Social Venture Capital, Social Return on Investments and Marketing for Non-profit Organisations. She holds a degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa.
Mirta also serves as a consultant and reviewer for the European Commission on a number of technological research and development projects. Mirta regularly participates as a speaker at conferences and congresses on innovation and digital inclusion. Her articles on social innovation have been published in many specialized magazines and journals.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Entrepreneurship and Innovation alla International School of Management di Parigi, ha frequentato con successo corsi di specializzazione post laurea (DBA courses) presso la Saint John University di New York sui temi del Social Venture Capital, Social Return on Investments e Marketing for Non profit Organizations. È laureata in Informatica presso l’Università degli Studi di Pisa.