La nostra Academy è aperta a tutti per appassionare alla formazione continua. Moduli di breve durata, che si possono comporre in uno o più percorsi, consentono esperienze di apprendimento intensive e strumenti per progettare cambiamenti nella vita personale e professionale.
I percorsi formativi
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Curricular innovation
It is the daily challenge for teachers to continuously regenerate methods, tools, and approaches in order to make learning engaging, relevant, and inclusive.
Digital and functional literacy
These are two distinct but strongly related concepts as digital technologies are increasingly integrated into daily life.
Digital Citizenship
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Digital skills
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus porta rutrum turpis, eget gravida felis convallis id.
Educational robotics
An attractive and fun educational model for active learning: learning to be, learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together.
Our Projects
Fattore J
Cosa c’è di più importante della salute? Fattore J è il progetto promosso con Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine , nelle scuole superiori di tutta Italia per sensibilizzare i ragazzi...
M-LEARN " Training teachers to use mobile (handheld) technologies within mainstream school education" is a COMENIUS multilateral project that aims to introduce mobile technology (tablets) into schools. It will be...
The Robodidactics project (2006-2008) aims at the development of methods for applying robot science to the improvement of teaching techniques, especially in science and ICT subjects, and the building of...
The project Sonet-Bull - Using ICT Social Networking Tools with Peer Learning and Crowdsourcing to Train School Communities to Counter Student Bullying (2014-2016) aims to combine modern pedagogical approaches (e-learning...
Made onlife in Venice
According to elaborations by the Cgia di Mestre Studies Office, small and medium-sized enterprises, about 90 percent of the Italian business fabric, lost about 420 billion in revenues (-13.5 percent)...
Le radici auree
The Lazio Region launched in 2017 an innovative project for the creation and installation of contemporary artworks along the Paths of Spirituality that cross its territory. The initiative involved the...
Digi-Breaker +
The objective of European Project Breaking barriers and building community for an effective, sustainable and inclusive digitalization of adult guidance services (Digi-Breaker +) , funded by the Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships...
The objective of Project e-EngAGEd ( Intergenerational Digital Engagement), funded by the European Commission (Programme CERV),is toimprove critical thinking and media literacy by training young volunteers to act as facilitators...
Le nostre campagne
Enter the world of artificial intelligence
Arin is the star mascot of the first online workshop on artificial intelligence for Italian schools. In four modules, available for free, Arin reveals how an artificial intelligence learns and...
27 more years
27 is the number of extra years that, thanks to advances in medical science, a human being has "gained" compared to the life expectancy of just over a century ago-when...
My future? It's up to me!
The idea started with the first edition of the Meet no Neet project, to support the first crowdfunding experiences of schools thanks to the platform, but then turned into...
Give Campaign
A corporate social responsibility initiative promoted by Microsoft and implemented with the support of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for the Ambizione Italia per la scuola, Ambizione Italia per i giovani...