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Who we are and what we do in three minutes

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La nostra Academy è aperta a tutti per appassionare alla formazione continua. Moduli di breve durata, che si possono comporre in uno o più percorsi, consentono esperienze di apprendimento intensive e strumenti per progettare cambiamenti nella vita personale e professionale.


I percorsi formativi

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Scuola di Fisica per Arduino e smartphone

Curricular innovation

It is the daily challenge for teachers to continuously regenerate methods, tools, and approaches in order to make learning engaging, relevant, and inclusive.

alfabetizzazione digitale e funzionale

Digital and functional literacy

These are two distinct but strongly related concepts as digital technologies are increasingly integrated into daily life.

Smart for Europe

Digital Citizenship

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competenze digitali

Digital skills

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robotica educativa

Educational robotics

An attractive and fun educational model for active learning: learning to be, learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together.


Our Projects

Coding Girls a Torino

Coding Girls a Torino

Bringing young people, especially girls, closer to new technologies and technical-scientific disciplines is fundamental for building an inclusive and innovative future. Promoting interest in STEAM subjects not only allows them...

Coding Girls a Bergamo

Coding Girls in Bergamo

In an era dominated by technological innovation and the rapid evolution of automation, bringing young people, especially girls, closer to robotics is becoming increasingly crucial. Robotics is not only a...

Le nostre campagne

Campagna Fattore J

Fattore J

Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Janssen Italia, the pharmaceutical subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, is testing the first curriculum for Italian schools to educate young people to develop emotional intelligence, respect...

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