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Migrant integration

integrazione dei migranti - progetto Welcome

Migrant integration

Migrant integration

Europe has long been searching for a solution to the problems of immigration and integration. We are convinced that a successful integration model must start in school and be based on the values of encounter and sharing. We are forming a new generation of young people who have discovered from their teachers that the best way to learn is to teach, to share what they know and to improve everyone's lives. Students are the natural facilitators of social, digital and cultural inclusion. Schools become hubs for the training and integration of migrants.

We started dealing with the migration phenomenon in 2006 with the Double Code project for unaccompanied minors. Then the integration of immigrants and refugees became a specific area of intervention, with local, national and transnational projects, also financed by European funds. We are convinced that new technologies can accelerate the integration process in the host country. And with excellent results.

According to official data provided by the Ministry of the Interior, from 1 January to 1 September 2022, more than 58,000 migrants landed on Italian shores, of which around 6,000 were unaccompanied minors. They mainly come from Tunisia (12,288), Egypt (11,213) and Bangladesh (9,002). Fleeing war, violence and persecution in their countries of origin, the first difficulties refugees and asylum seekers encounter are in building a different life and finding new personal and professional goals.

To facilitate and accelerate the process of integration and social inclusion, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale promotes the Third Reception formula, creating a strategic alliance between the school world and the main SPRAR centres. The school becomes a hub for training and integration, training a new generation of young people who are more attentive to the needs of others, helpful and committed. They are 'i-tutors' who, alongside migrants, get involved as natural facilitators of integration processes, thanks to the digital code, a bridge language between different cultures and the key to access 4.0 citizenship.

Project experiences of interculture, integration, cooperation:

  • Pari con Regione Abruzzo (2019-2021) - prorogato e in corso
  • Io ci sono, Giornata mondiale del rifugiato (dal 2010)
  • #Here, formazione per gli ospiti del Centro Sprar Enea (2019)
  • Si Forma - Servizi inclusivi per la FORMAzione (2017-2018)
  • The Welcome Programme (2017-2018)
  • Co-Host con Microsoft (2016-17)
  • RefugIS con Microsoft (2016-2017)
  • Più: uffici per l'immigrazione (2014-2015)
  • Sei - Scuola di educazione civica e italiano (2014-2015)
  • Isis, invecchiamento attivo, scuole e centri anziani (2013-15)
  • Io, Tu, Noi. Percorsi autobiografici per l’integrazione, integrazione a scuola (2013-14)
  • Iprit, integrazione (2013)
  • Ricominciodatre (2013)
  • SI - Scuola di italiano (2012-2014)
  • e-care family (2012-13)
  • Tutti a scuola (2012-2013)
  • Mondo immigrato (2012)
  • A2/A4 - La scuola formato famiglia (2011-12)
  • Apprendimento intergenerazionale (2009)
  • LC2 - Lingua Cultura e Computer: competenze chiave per aprire le porte dell'integrazione (2007)
  • Doppio Codice, formazione per minori non accompagnati (2006)


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