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Financed by Fondo per la Repubblica digitale

The DIG4All project, financed by the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale-Impresa sociale, aims to promote the reskilling and upskilling of 240 young people (aged 16-34), who are not studying or working (NEET), across six regions in Central and Northern Italy (Lombardy, Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, and Lazio). 

The project foresees the development and delivery of a solid and structured digital training pathway (basic, advanced, and specialisation), an individualised coaching programme, and concrete actions aimed at orientation and support in the labour market, including the involvement of the for-profit sector.

Project beneficiaries include both young people with low skills and those in vulnerable conditions, as well as those with medium-high skills and semi-structured capabilities. The strategy and lines of intervention act on several levels and involve the network of all stakeholders, ranging from indoor and outdoor education services to companies, employment agencies, job centres, and institutions engaged in supporting NEETs.


  • Involve 240 NEET, inactive, and unemployed young people in upskilling and reskilling training courses across six regions;
  • Activate a digital platform promoting an innovative learning system for basic and advanced digital and technical-scientific skills, fostering accessible learning pathways through "tailor-made" methodologies for young NEETs with low skills and in highly vulnerable conditions, as well as those with medium-high skills and "semi-structured" capabilities;
  • Stimulate the alignment of supply and demand for new skills required in the digital sector and future professions, with the aim of initiating at least 160 job placements through stakeholder networking: young people, small and medium-sized enterprises, large companies, employment agencies, and training institutions.

Direct Target Group: 240 young NEETs, including:

  • 90 individuals with low skills and in highly vulnerable conditions, aged between 16 and 24, with at most a secondary school diploma, lacking vocational qualifications of at least two years, and not engaged in education or training. These are inactive individuals who have stopped seeking work, believing there are no opportunities for them, without a personal life project, and at high risk of exclusion. This group also includes young foreign nationals, ethnic minorities, and beneficiaries of international protection.
  • 150 individuals with medium-high skills and "semi-structured" capabilities, aged between 25 and 34, with an upper secondary school diploma and/or university degree, who are currently seeking their first job or re-employment. These are often young people with medium-high levels of education and training but who are victims of the mismatch between supply and demand, and therefore need training in the skills required for emerging sectors.
  • To address the gender gap between men and women, at least 50 per cent of the target group will be women (also in light of the Global Gender Gap Report 2022 data).

Indirect Target Audience: 2,400 people to be reached through awareness-raising activities and the dissemination of training materials, as well as the online and regional communication and marketing campaign.

Methodology: Develop an effective model by leveraging established expertise in the fields of digital and educational poverty, ensuring it lasts beyond the project's cycle. Additionally, apply "firtual" (physical and virtual) and hybrid learning models at various levels, in terms of content, modes of participation, and languages.

Modality: Online training, with some face-to-face meetings.

Expected Results

  • Design and implement innovative and effective methodologies and formats to facilitate access to the initiatives by the target audience;
  • Intercept, activate, support, and accompany the target audience;
  • Disseminate and promote training opportunities to directly and indirectly inform and raise awareness among the target audience;
  • Facilitate the alignment of labour supply and demand;
  • Integrate training sessions for the development and/or improvement of non-cognitive competencies (soft or life skills) complementing digital competencies;
  • Acquire and enhance basic and/or advanced digital skills;
  • Offer employment opportunities.



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Your stories

Greta, laureata,

Greta, laureata, 26 anni partecipante al percorso Social Media Marketer di Dig4All

Gli argomenti trattati nei diversi moduli del corso specialistico Social Media Marketer per il progetto Dig4All mi hanno affascinato, offrendo un equilibrio sapiente tra competenze di base e tematiche più specifiche e tecniche.

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