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The strength to never give up

Giovani che non studiano e non lavorano
Foto di olia danilevich

The strength to never give up

The strength to never give up

The skills to get going again. Manuel's story

In Italy, the phenomenon of young people not studying and not working (Neet, from Neither in Employment nor in Education and Training) continues to represent a significant challenge. According to ISTAT data for 2023, 16.1 per cent of young people between 15 and 29 years old are in this condition, with peaks of 22.7 per cent in the 25-29 age group. This heterogeneous group includes people who are unemployed, available for work but not actively seeking, or inactive for various reasons, including family responsibilities and lack of opportunities.

Territorial differences are a crucial aspect of the problem. In the South, the share of Neet is significantly higher than in the Centre and North. Despite their lower participation in the labour market, young people in the South show greater interest in re-entering the employment circuit: 72.5% of Neet in the South declare themselves willing to work, compared to 59.4% in the North and 62.4% in the Centre. This data highlights how the employment gap between the different areas of the country is not so much related to a lack of motivation, but rather to the scarcity of job opportunities.

Precisely to respond to these challenges, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, in collaboration with LinkedIn Italia, promoted the event ‘The job is yours! Among the inspirational testimonies scheduled for the day, that of Manuel Nardi, 28, is particularly striking for its authenticity.

Manuel, a qualified electrical-electronics technician, has experienced moments of deep distrust in the world of work. ‘After six years of precarious work and nine different contracts, I had reached a dead end,’ he says. ‘Low pay, promises never kept, toxic environments.’

The last years, those before the turnaround, were the most difficult to handle: three years at McDonald's, one year at Ikea, with a contract that expired but was never renewed, and very, very little confidence in the world of work. All factors that pushed Manuel to take a break from work.

After a short period of inactivity (November 2023 - January 2024), Manuel found the strength and motivation to start training in a field that was definitely new to him, that of IT, enrolling in the ‘Cybersecurity Architect’ course (lasting six months) promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale as part of the Dig4All project. ‘I knew nothing about IT,’ he explains, ‘but I learnt a lot. Above all, I met people like me, ready to get involved despite everything.’

For Manuel, meeting other young people, some in more difficult situations than his, was crucial: ‘The confrontation gave me the strength to try again and to see that I was not alone. Today I think we must not give in to the negative view of our country. There are healthy and respectful jobs. We must look for them with confidence and, even if sometimes it goes wrong, think: ‘the next one will be better’’.

Work as meaning and not only production
Manuel's experience offers an opportunity to reflect on a broader theme: the relationship between work and a sense of personal fulfilment. As Maura Gancitano points out in her article for Vita, ‘Work time is not just productive time; it is life time and must have something to do with meaning, which is never just individual, but collective.’ For Manuel, now an employee of Macha Poke, this reflection has become reality: ‘Here, I feel respected and valued. Finally, going to work is not a burden, but a pleasure.’

A new story for inactive young people in Italy
With the right support and a network of opportunities, young people can regain confidence and build fulfilling life and career paths. Events such as the one promoted together with LinkedIn The Skills to Start Again are key to offering practical and motivational tools needed to break the cycle of inactivity. ‘The key is to look for an environment where you feel good,’ Manuel concludes. A lesson that applies to everyone, not just young inactive people.


By Alberta Testa, social media manager

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