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Coding Girls

School Service Projects

School Service Projects

The experience of the Liceo scientifico Innocenzo XII in Anzio

The Liceo scientifico Innocenzo XII in Anzio (Rome) is attended by students from a wide area on the coast of Lazio. They are not only from Anzio, but also Nettuno, Ardea, Tor San Lorenzo, and Aprilia. The school has a very tight bond with the area and is an educational reference point for families.

In the school curriculum 2022-25, the Liceo scientifico Innocenzo XII includes various Fondazione Mondo Digitale projects with different objectives, from overcoming stereotypes to trust in science: Coding GirlsAmbizione Italia for YouthCOde&FraME for Self-empowermentFactor J

So, what is the true impact of these activities on the learning outcomes set by the school for its students? An important qualitative assessment comes from Prof. Alessandra Castelli (Mathematics and Physics), who expresses great satisfaction for the contribution that these diverse activities have on the students’ education, especially during this delicate pandemic phase.

“Listening to the graduating students speak about their PCTO courses was surprising and endearing,” explains the professor. “Many emphasised their positive experience with Coding Girls, Ambizione Italia, and Factor J. It really helped us understand how important these activities are to help students overcome present difficulties and orient their future choices.”

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Our Projects

Coding Girls

COde&FraME for Self Empowerment

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale and ENI have renewed their alliance and launched the second edition of the original STEAM training course for women (coding, reframing and fabbing). Labs and meetings...

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