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A Sound Communication Challenge

Alfabetizzazione digitale

A Sound Communication Challenge

A Sound Communication Challenge

More projects and actions to reach out to all generations

“First Covid-19, now a war. The last few months have taught us that we have learn to live with a series of unpredictable and unimaginable planetary emergencies. In this context, communication plays a fundamental role in the representation of reality and strongly influences our consciences and our individual behaviour.

This is the starting point for the Second Annual Report on Sound Communications for Daily Emergencies, Permanent Ital Communications-Censis Observatory on Communications and Communications Agencies ".

In the last year, 97.3% of Italians have looked for news on all available on- and off-line sources for an average of 2.7 consultations each.

83.4% of Italians have encountered at least one fake news on the pandemic, while 66.1% have found fake news on the war.

“This is why it is necessary to act and block this disinformation and fake news. We need to create sound communications, especially for the growing audience on the web, which includes a large percentage of minors. Today, 69.1% of kids on the Internet are less than 14 years old, and 61.7% are less than twelve years old.”

 What are we doing as the Fondazione Mondo Digitale? “Sound Information” has become a transversal challenge that involves a myriad projects and different generations:

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