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Artificial Intelligence Introduces Itself

Jacopo, Giulia e Jannat

Artificial Intelligence Introduces Itself

Artificial Intelligence Introduces Itself

"ChatSPOT: AI in Social Advertising" - Jacopo, Giulia, and Jannat present their video.

JacopoGiulia Jannat, three students at the Liceo I. Kant in Rome, are the spokespersons for the winning teams of the “ChatSPOT: AI in Social Advertising” hackathon that attracted over 100 students from secondary schools in Lazio to RomeCup 2024. The students worked on creating interactive stories produced with generative artificial intelligence applications with a critical, ethical, and responsible approach [see news: Social Advertising for AI].

The event was held as part of the Ital.IA Lab programme with Microsoft Italia, aiming to spread the opportunities provided by generative artificial intelligence and the right skills to use it in a sustainable and inclusive way, and in synergy with Project Coding Girls, which, in ten editions, has been fighting the gender gap in the STEM sector.

Here are the three winning ads (first to third):


The Challenge: putting into practice all the skills and abilities acquired during the training course, you will have to design a social advertisement that raises young people's awareness on the conscious and responsible use of generative artificial intelligence. Advertising should therefore show the multiple opportunities provided by AI to solve global challenges and improve people's lives, but also highlight the impact that it can generate if it is not used in fair, transparent, and ethical manner. You will have to present a video ad. Create the story, the characters, the dialogue, and the setting using all your creativity and all the generative AI tools you know!

Participating schools: Kant, Montessori, Da Vinci, Keplero, Montale, and Matteucci (Rome).

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