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Always Keep Your Head in the Cloud!

Creative Day di Roll Cloud

Always Keep Your Head in the Cloud!

Always Keep Your Head in the Cloud!

Creative Day: Lorenzo and Sofia from IC Aldo Moro in Bruino produce the winning video.

Cloud, sharing and… fun! These three words summarize the Creative Day organised for the third edition of Project Roll Cloud – Working in the Cloud that was held yesterday, Thursday April 18, in Turin [see news: Creative Days: Double Appointment for Roll Cloud. The first of two final events involved sixty-four students from schools in Piedmont: four lower secondary schools and two classes in the first two years of upper secondary school:

From 10:00 am, Intesa Sanpaolo’s Area X was quickly filled with the enthusiasm of the thirteen teams that women the first phase of the Easy Cloud Story project challenge. After a short introduction, the teams finalised their projects with the help of coaches from Fondazione Mondo Digitale (Antonio Succi and Monica Cauduro) and by six experts from project partner companies: Samuele Di Domenico, Alberto Doglioli and Alessia Patruno from Intesa Sanpaolo, Emanuela Caramagna and Paolo Bestetti from Google Cloud, and Marta Casassa from TIM Enterprise, all of whom perfectly mentored their teams.

Between one reflection and another on how to improve their projects, the students were also able to experiment with three augmented reality experiences at Area X and test the latest technological innovations.

In the early afternoon, the final presentations were evaluated by a jury composed by the coaches and experts. Engaging quizzes, creative podcasts, innovative websites... the participants' ways of dealing with and talking about the cloud were all unique. Here is the final ranking:

  • Best Project - Lorenzo and Sofia’s video (IC Aldo Moro - Bruino)
  • Most Creative Project - Alessia, Francesco, and Martina’s video (IC Del Vergante - Invorio)
  • Most Innovative Project – class website developed with Google Sites by Elena, Rebecca, Riccardo, Linda, Maya, Lucia, Diego, Alessandro, Francesca, Mattia, Filippo, Federica, and Matilde (IC di Pray)
  • Most Exciting Project – news report style video by Gregorio, Alessia, and Aurora (IC Aldo Moro – Bruino)
  • Most “Cloud” Project - Alessandro, Elia, and Erasmo’s quiz (IC Manzoni - Lesa).

Congratulations to all the students for the enthusiasm with which they faced the final day of a journey that began in October and our thanks to the coaches and experts who helped the students finalise their works. A special thank you goes to the extraordinary teachers: Laura Di LorenzoFrancesco PapaEleonora RizzatoLara Fina FerrariNazarena Lo BelloMonica TranquilloChiara PetraliaAnnamaria GarneroFrancesca GerbiElena Dogliani, and Melania Sereno.

See you next time and, please make sure, as the students from IIS Ferrari-Mercurino reminded us, that in an increasingly interconnected and digital world it is always good to keep "your head in the cloud."

Report by Elisabetta Gramatica, Project Coordinator.

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