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From Visitors to Protagonists

categoria On stage

From Visitors to Protagonists

From Visitors to Protagonists

For the first time at RomeCup in the “On Stage” Category.

The initial idea was to spend half a day at RomeCup 2023 together with a primary school class. The six-year-old robot-makers would have been the youngest visitors at the multi-event dedicated to robotics, hosted by the Rome Campus Bio-Medico University.

So, why just watch, if it is possible to compete? This must have been the question that the young students in Class 3B from the Istituto comprensivo statale La Giustiniana (Rome, Municipio di Roma XV, an area in rapid expansion) asked themselves. And thanks to PON funding, the school acquired new didactic tools, including educational robotics kits. How were they to be used? Just in the classroom to build robots?

In the course of a few months, the students became so good at it that they convinced their teacher, Simonetta Prisco, and school administrator Marilena Abbatepaolo to register Terza B in the “On Stage” competition. And at their first match, they reached the finals and competed in the prestigious Rome Campidoglio. 

They might not have won, but they certainly achieved something even greater: a desire to learn!


This short interview was conducted by Onelia Onorati on the final day of RomeCup at the Campidoglio (May 5, 2023).

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