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Learning Technology

Learning Technology

HELMeTO: a contribution from the JOINclusion Partnership

Today marks the beginning of the “Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online” International Conference that is being held in Rome (Sept. 25-27) at the Centro Congressi Frentani. The conference will feature over 100 authors from 10 countries on issues concerning didactic technology and higher education.

John Christidis (University of West Attica), Enrique Hortal (Maastricht University), Annaleda Mazzucato (Fondazione Mondo Digitale) and Concetta Esposito (“Federico II” University of Naples) will present a paper entitled "Effective AI in Education: Transitioning from Sensor-based to Interaction-based Models in a JOINclusion Case Study."

The contribuition has been produced by Project JOINclusion, an innovative initiative financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme, which aims to promote social inclusion and improve digital skills in educational contexts. The main focus of the project is the development of AI-based educational platforms to promote the active participation and empathy of students, especially in inclusive learning contexts, contrasting discrimination.

The paper addresses the transition of educational models based on sensors to models based on interaction, exploring how this technology can improve the didactic experience. The use of interaction-based models is particularly relevant for the education of minors as it avoids both ethical and privacy issues related to the collection of sensible data through sensors. The researchers will illustrate how these new approaches promote active learning and inclusion, and how they may be implemented in European schools to improve the quality of education.

Participation in the conference is a perfect opportunity to discuss the progress of Project JOINclusion and the results achieved, besides sharing good practices on how AI can be used ethically and responsibly in the world of education.

The teacher training course available on FMD Academy will also be presented at the conference.  

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