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Job Digital Lab in Reggio Calabria

Digital marketing: dalla strategia all’operatività con l’aiuto dell’IA

Job Digital Lab in Reggio Calabria

Job Digital Lab in Reggio Calabria

Digital marketing: from strategy to operation with AI.

While the entire world is experiencing a race for artificial intelligence, in Italy, many companies still seem to be stuck on the starting blocks. According to Eurostat data from the Enterprise and ICT 2023 Report, only 5% of companies with at least 10 employees use artificial intelligence systems, compared to an average of 8% in the European Union.

In particular, the percentage of small Italian companies (10-49 employees) stands at 4.4%, compared to 24% for large businesses (over 250 employees).

And not only. The lack of skills slows down the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Indeed, it represents an obstacle for 55.1% of companies that have considered using AI without adopting it.

So how can we avoid being left behind and take advantage of the benefits offered by AI? Valuable benefits especially for SMEs, for which AI represents an accessible and budget-friendly tool to improve operational efficiency, custom-tailored their products and/or services, make more informed decisions, strengthen IT security, and access new market opportunities.

The answer is: training.

Being trained in the use of these tools will be essential not only to interact with the machines, but also to understand how to interpret and manage the responses that the machines provide.

Francisco Villarroel Ordenes, Director of the Master of Science (MSc) in Marketing at Luiss Guido Carli University, says it clearly: “Generative AI can be effective in personalizing messages using available data, but its effectiveness will depend on the right human supervision in the preparation or training of an algorithm and in the evaluation of the content generated for artificial intelligence.”

In order to accompany and support local businesses to seize the opportunities provided by this extraordinary innovation, Job Digital Lab, the programme developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and ING Italia to drive the development of digital skills, alights in Reggio Calabria with a training event organised in collaboration with the Reggio Calabria Chamber of Commerce, the Digital Enterprise Point and IN.FORM.A.

The training meeting has been conceived for SMEs that wish to acquire the digital marketing tools necessary to build an efficient strategy. During the meeting, the opportunities provided by Generative Artificial Intelligence and its various areas of application in marketing will also be illustrated.

During the Job Digital Lab event, local practical cases and success stories will be presented as a source and model of inspiration: Macingo Technologies and Scopelliti 1887.

On the blog: an interview with Samuele Furfaro, CFO, Macingo: Grazie al digitale, i trasporti sono a portata di click (in Italian).

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