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Coding Girls: The Evaluation Challenge

Coding Girls

Coding Girls: The Evaluation Challenge

Coding Girls: The Evaluation Challenge

The project impact according to the Impact Evaluation Unit at the Collegio Carlo Alberto

Kicked off in 2014, the local edition of Coding Girls in Turin has been evaluated by the Impact Evaluation Unit (IEU) at the Collegio Carlo Alberto. On La, Daniela Del Boca and Chiara Pronzato explain how the assessment was conducted and the value generated by the project.

“The results reveal that the programme has had a positive effect on various aspects. We have observed a significant increase in the ability to code, a greater interest in university programmes, especially in STEM. We identified a reduction in the most widespread stereotypes related to STEM and female employment (negative impact on the fact that men are better suited for STEM, increased awareness by women of the pay gap, etc.). Moreover, it has been ascertained that the lockdown measures put into place for the Covid-19 health emergency negatively influenced the working conditions of women.”


by Daniela Del Boca and Chiara Pronzato

La, Feb. 10, 2023




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