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Ad Hoc Content with GenAI

Job Digital Lab, evento territoriale a Parma

Ad Hoc Content with GenAI

Ad Hoc Content with GenAI

Job Digital Lab: Local Event in Parma

The Anitec-Assinform Report on Digital in Italy 2023 highlights how the digital market is expanding with emerging technology playing a key role in the economic development of the country. Indeed, we may say that digital tools are the new face of progress. The diffusion of advanced technology is transforming sectors like the “Made in Italy,” healthcare, and the public administration, increasing the scale and international positioning of Italian enterprises.

Moreover, 2023 was the year of the diffusion of Generative AI solutions and ChatGPT. AI has captured the attention of universities, institutions, enterprises, and citizens and is now perceived as a revolutionary technology that can mould different activities and abilities, providing solutions to complex challenges and augmenting humankind’s abilities.

In order to govern and manage innovation, specialistic digital skills are necessary, as well as professional figures that can navigate complexity and promote digital tools in business contexts.

To help companies stay up-to-date and exploit the opportunities provided by digital tools, Job Digital Lab, the programme conceived by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and ING Italia to develop digital skills, alights in Parma with a training event organised in collaboration with the Emilia Chamber of Commerce and Digital Enterprise Point.

The meeting targets SMEs that wish to discover how GenAI can help them improve their on-line presence and be more competitive through the creation of innovative content.

The course will present the tools that are available and local success stories.

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