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The active job search

La ricerca attiva del lavoro con LinkedIn

The active job search

The active job search

How to get out of Neet status.
In Milan, young people meet LinkedIn experts

In Italy, one young person in six between the ages of 15 and 29 falls into the category of young people not in education, employment or training(Neet, acronym of Not in Education, Employment or Training), with an incidence of 16.1% still far from the European value of 11.2% ( ISTAT data). Fifty-seven per cent of young people have no idea what job they will have in the future or what professional skills they would like to develop, a percentage that stands at 41% for the 25 and over age group, i.e. young people who should already be active in the labour market. Guidance services prove to be unattractive: 38.2% of young people and 42% of very young people (15-17 years old) have never used them ( Inapp survey).

Precisely in order to motivate young people who are not studying and not working to reactivate themselves in order to realise a professional project in line with their aspirations, we have strengthened our collaboration with LinkedIn Italia within the framework of the project Le competenze per ripartire with a series of initiatives. For the first time, the world's leading platform dedicated to employment, with 22 million members in Italy (and more than one billion worldwide), is devoting a specific focus to young inactive people with a series of in-person and online meetings to provide practical tools for finding a job or retraining.

Today's morning, from 10 a.m. at Microsoft House (viale Pasubio, 21 in Milan), is dedicated to training and employment support. The dynamic and motivational workshop is divided into interactive sessions in which young people, thanks to the advice of trainers and experts, learn how to build an effective profile and structure a strategic network of contacts. There will be coaching sessions and inspirational talks by experts, including Luigi Centenaro, founder of BigName. 

At the end of the event, all participants receive a voucher to activate LinkedIn Premium free of charge for 12 months: a valuable opportunity to strengthen their skills, expand their professional network and access exclusive training resources. In addition, they will be able to take advantage of over 23,000 LinkedIn Learning courses on in-demand skills and have access to advanced job search features, with the chance to stand out with personalised suggestions to optimise their profile.

The project The Job is Yours. Le competenze per ripartire prevede nel 2025 un programma di otto incontri online per 4,000 partecipanti in cerca di lavoro e sei incontri in presenza pensati in particolare per 300 giovani di Nord, Centro e Sud Italia. In the first sessions in October and November 2024, 1,403 people have already participated. In 2024, almost 4,000 people were trained by 41 coaches involved.

The project alliance is enriched with the collaboration of ING Italia and Microsoft Italia, with the aim of strengthening young jobseekers' mastery of digital tools. LinkedIn experts will also be present on 5 March, 5-6 pm, at the Job Digital Lab project meeting dedicated to personal branding, and on 10 April, 5-6 pm, at the Ital.IA Lab event on artificial intelligence and work.

Francesco Costanzo, Enterprise Account Director, LinkedIn Italy
Luigi Centenaro, founder of BigName

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