We were the first to believe in the winning role of young people in combating the social exclusion of the over 60s and we built an alliance between schools and senior citizen social centres. In 2002, the first official agreement with the Ministry of Innovation and the Municipality of Rome kicked off the Grandparents on the Internet in the Capital project. Then the recognition in the schools' training plans. We fought backward illiteracy, improved the quality of life of thousands of elderly people and empowered digital natives. Today, the intergenerational learning methodology, a real welfare school, is a national and transnational intervention model.
Although the pandemic has shortened the distance between generations by bringing 51.4 per cent of the over-65s online, the percentage of over-75s off the web is still high (82.8 per cent). Overall, almost half of the Italian population (48.7%) has already activated the Spid digital identity, but the highest percentages are recorded in large metropolitan areas (59.5%) and among people with higher educational qualifications, while the lowest peaks, compared to the national average, are found in the South (40.2%) and among the elderly (32.1%). [17th Communication Report, Censis, 2021). How to act on the excluded and favour the full transition to digital even after the emergency?
With the Nonni su Internet programme, not only the digital divide but also the intergenerational divide is bridged and deep relationships are established between young and old. School students, in the role of natural facilitators of innovation processes, teach the over 60s how to use computers and smartphones, how to surf the Internet, how to use public administration and health services online, and at the same time train transversal skills that are fundamental in education for 21st century life. We like to call it enabling technology, because it transforms digital tools into powerful social tools against loneliness, exclusion and isolation. In tune with this methodological choice, the training kit also provides diversified user instructions for the protagonists of the project (Linee guide per nonni, Linee guide per tutor, Linee guida per docenti).
- 45,000 senior graduates
- 26,000 student tutors
- 2,100 teacher-coordinators
And by now we can no longer keep track of the different declinations that have sprung up in the territories. Among the most important collaborations is the one with Poste Italiane for Nonni in rete and with CNA Pensionati for Tra generazioni. Unity creates work. During the lockdown, thanks to the Insieme si riparte programme financed by the Inmi Lazzaro Spallanzani hospital, we activated a telephone help desk and a remote video call service animated by young volunteers and high school students in Rome to help the elderly experience the main online health services, use applications on smartphones and find their way around virtual assistance tools
The main experiences in active ageing and intergenerational learning:
- Acting, agenti sociali per l'invecchiamento attivo (2013-2015)
- ComeON, volontariato intergenerazionale (2013-2015)
- Digitali si diventa con Roma Capitale (2018-19)
- Fai da noi, alfabetizzazione manuale, digitale e funzionale (2017-2019)
- Il centro a casa con Fondazione Alberto Sordi e Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (2020)
- Informatizzare qualificando (2015)
- Insieme si riparte con INMI Spallanzani e Regione Lazio (2020-2021)
- Interconnessioni (2017)
- Isev (2017-19)
- Maestri d’Italia, come aiutare nonno a diventare smart con Tim (2020)
- Nonnet, orti urbani digitali (2012)
- Nonni in Internet (2009)
- Nonni in rete. Tutti giovani alle Poste (2015-17)
- Nonni su Internet (dal 2002, in corso)
- Nonni su Internet a Como (2014)
- Nonni su Internet nella Tuscia (2015)
- Nonni SUD Internet (2013)
- OfficinaDigitale (in corso)
- Pane e Internet per nonni e nipoti (2011-2013)
- Silver (2008-2010)
- Telemouse (2009-2011)
- Teo, terza età on line (2012)
- The Knowledge Volunteers (2011-2013)
- Tra generazioni. L'unione crea il lavoro con CNA Pensionati (2013-2021)
- Vivi Internet, al meglio con Google (in corso)