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Nonni in Internet

Nonni in Internet

The national digital literacy for the elderly project launched in 2009 through the agreement reached between FMD, Spi Cgil, and Auser. Courses in Piemonte, Lombardia, Lazio, and Abruzzo

The national digital literacy for the elderly project launched in 2009 through the agreement reached between FMD, Spi Cgil, and Auser has led to the organization of courses in Piemonte, Lombardia, Lazio, and Abruzzo.
In the “Grandparents on the Internet: just a click to keep together” students from schools at every level of education all over Italy tutor the elderly to overcome the digital divide that prevents people over 60 from taking full advantage of the potential offered by the new technologies.
The right to continuing education that lies at the heart of the memorandum of intent signed in 2009 is also the purpose of the proposal for a citizen’s initiative lawpromoted by the trade unions Spi-Cgil, Auser, Federazione Lavoratori Conoscenza Cgil, and Sindacato Pensionati Italiani Cgil that aims at doubling the number of adults that participates in training activities in three years.
“This protocol”, explains national Spi-Cgil Trade Union Secretary Lucio Saltini, “aims at promoting the dissemination of skills we consider to be vitally important in order to provide the elderly with the possibility to use tools that will help them lead better lives. A perfect team has been formed together with Fondazione Mondo Digitale for the accomplishment of this very purpose”.

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