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GIFT – Giovani Impegno Futuro Territorio

GIFT – Giovani Impegno Futuro Territorio

GIFT – Giovani Impegno Futuro Territorio

GIFT – Giovani Impegno Futuro Territorio

Pathways of empowerment, mobilisation and youth leadership for sustainable development based on children's rights and the 2030 Agenda

The project ‘GIFT. Giovani, Impegno, Futuro, Territorio’ (GIFT. Youth, Commitment, Future, Territory), co-financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and promoted by Save the Children in partnership with Asvis, Edi, Fondazione Mondo Digitale and MicroMega Edizioni, offers secondary schools and universities a two-year intervention that focuses on the protagonism of young people.

The project is based on the idea that young people are not just passive beneficiaries of policies, but ‘protagonists’ who can and must actively contribute to the definition of interventions and initiatives that concern them, as well as participate in the public debate on the 2030 Agenda and sustainable development.

In particular, the project aims to increase young people's knowledge of the SDGs and to increase their capacity to mobilise in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in the cities of Rome, Crotone, Ancona and Padua.

The objective of the project is therefore to empower and mobilise young people on an issue that concerns not only their future but above all their present.

There are two main areas of intervention and the related strategic objectives:

  • EMPOWERMENT - Objective 1: Increased knowledge of the SDGs among secondary school and university students in the cities of Rome, Crotone, Ancona and Padua
  • MOBILISATION – Objective 2: Increased capacity of young people in the cities of Rome, Crotone, Ancona and Padua to mobilise peers and citizens and to contribute to the public debate on SDG-related issues, creating the basic conditions for awareness and active participation.

Duration: two school years (2023-2024 and 2024-2025)

Partnership: the activities are coordinated by Save the Children, in partnership with the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASVIS), the cooperative Education for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (EDI) and the Digital World Foundation and MicroMega Edizioni.

Beneficiaries: the project involves 5 classes from each of 10 secondary schools in the cities of Rome, Crotone, Ancona and Padua that are interested in actively participating with teachers and students in a series of activities carried out in and out of school.


  • Awareness and training courses on the 2030 Agenda in secondary schools, in collaboration with universities, aimed at teachers and students
  • Extra-curricular training courses on communication, Agenda 2030 and the creation of a local network for sustainable development
  • Design and production of a video game on the SDGs
  • Workshops at the Spazio Giovani in Rome
  • Initiatives to mobilise and participate in public debate (ASVIS Festival, International Festival, MicroMega Festival, final project event, talks organised by the young people themselves...)

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