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Group Wellbeing

GIFT – Giovani Impegno Futuro Territorio

Group Wellbeing

Group Wellbeing

GIFT: a learning adventure at “Save the Children.”

The activities of Project GIFT– Youth Commitment Future Community, coordinated by Save the Children, have started. Last week a group of 20 kids, full of energy and drive, were involved in a truly special learning experience based on the MTa Learning Methodology, playing, and challenging each other to grow together at the Save the Children offices, near the Colosseum.

“It is always fascinating to rediscover how willing young people are to get involved, especially on important issues and objectives, their present, their future, their expectations, how to communicate, how leadership is achieved, and so on,” explains Cecilia Stajano who held the meeting as an MTa Learning Methodology certified coach.

The main objective of the lab was to explore four key aspects of group wellbeing:

  • Team work - collaborating and working together to achieve a common goal.
  • Communication, -expressing oneself clearly and precisely, listening and understanding others.
  • Problem solving - tackling challenges creatively and finding innovative solutions.
  • Leadership - directing a group with enthusiasm and responsibility.

Maria Vittoria Casada Giunta, better known as Mavi, a digital civil service operator, reports on the meeting.

The kids participated in three exciting games, with fun and lots of adrenaline! In group necklace, the goal was to create a necklace that could surround all team members with the materials at hand. A true test of collaboration! 

High pile required the construction of the highest pile and reaching the top required efficient collaboration and communication!

Blind statues is a game based on trust and listening. The objective of the game is to pass a ball to other team members without letting it fall. The difficulty is that half of the group is blindfolded and must be guided by others. This is an experience that improved communication and the ability to give and understand feedback. 

At the end of the games, participants discussed their contribution to the group tasks, how they felt, and how they could improve interpersonal skills. The experience was not only fun, but also acquired a greater awareness of their role in the group, improved their communication and collaboration skills, and learned to solve problems creatively, strengthening their leadership skills.

In an increasingly individualist world, it is fundamental to learn how to work in a group and develop interpersonal skills. The Save the Children experience revealed how experiential learning can be precious to help young men and women to grow as individuals and group members. Their enthusiasm is proof that the future is in their hands. In a changing world, interpersonal skills are increasingly important for the challenges of the future. Thanks to experiences such as this one, our youth will grow into tomorrow’s citizens and know how to build a better future together.

“Kids want to understand how the world works, what group dynamics are like, what to do to make things work well. As adults, we have a great responsibility to play with them and listen to them seriously, seriously accepting the observations that arise from their experiences. For me, these meetings are truly a source of great wealth because there is a real exchange. Their need to be listened to and enjoy a space for expression is incredible and constant. Let's give it to them, and create more and more spaces for them," concludes Cecilia Stajano.

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GIFT – Giovani Impegno Futuro Territorio

GIFT – Giovani Impegno Futuro Territorio

The project ‘ GIFT. Giovani, Impegno, Futuro, Territorio’ ( GIFT. Youth, Commitment, Future, Territory), co-financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and promoted by Save the Children in partnership...

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