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Tecnology 4.0 and Digital Strategy

Job Digital Lab

Tecnology 4.0 and Digital Strategy

Tecnology 4.0 and Digital Strategy

Job Digital Lab: local event in Palermo

After the complicated months of the lockdown, the World Economic Forum calculated that by 2030 as many as 9 out of 10 jobs would require advanced digital skills (Future of Jobs 2020, WEF).

Advanced, not just basic. If they want to remain competitive and grow further, companies will have to integrate technology 4.0  into their actions. The WEF prediction was prophetic. According to a 2021 McKinsey Report, companies that have invested in digital technology have seen a 20-30% increase in their productivity. Furthermore, companies that use digital tools have a better chance of expanding internationally and reducing costs (Digital Transformation: Improving the Odds of Success, McKinsey 2021).

And to support local businesses in adopting these tools, Job Digital Lab, the programme conceived by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and ING Italia to advance digital skills, arrives in Palermo for a training event in collaboration with Sicindustria, partner of the Enterprise Europe Network, and the participation of the Chamber of Commerce of Palermo-Enna.

The Job Digital Lab training session, which will be held on April 20, from 3 to 6 pm at the Sicindustria headquarters, is dedicated to discovering how digital tools can support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, from building a marketing plan thanks to a more precise data analysis, the definition of an omnichannel strategy, to e-mail marketing and a more efficient presence on social networks.

During the JDL event, practical cases and success stories from the local area will also be presented as a source and model of inspiration:

The Palermo event is one of the appointments organised by the third edition of Job Digital Lab which, between 2020 and 2022, provided training to over 11,000 people in Italy. The training program, created in collaboration by ING Italia and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, aims to promote a greater diffusion of digital skills as a tool for intercepting the opportunities provided by the digital transformation.

The programme of the third edition is even more ambitious: from October 2022 to June 2023, Job Digital Lab will provide custom-tailored training for the needs of local communities with innovative resources and tools for sustainable growth personal and community.

The ten-month project aims to involve a further 8,000 people in training, networking with experts, companies, trade associations, local administrations, public and private organisations, guidance and employment centres.



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