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A School Champion

laboratorio di robotica

A School Champion

A School Champion

Open Schools: Robotics Lab at the Rome Majorana Piaget School.

Once again, the Piaget-Majorana  Comprehensive School has been selected by the Roma Capitale call for Project Schools Open in the Afternoon, Evening, and Weekends for School Year 2023-24, "to encourage the opening of the greatest number of schools beyond normal school hours and provide students, families, and the educational community with the opportunity to benefit from an quality educational activities and meeting opportunities in the area."

The school, directed by Silvana Coniglio, is located in Piazza Minucciano, in Rome’s “Municipality III,” an area as large as Prato and as populated as Trieste.

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale, in synergy with Programme Smart & Heart Rome, collaborates on the organisation of activities such as workshops for young children.

Two ten-session courses have been organised with the school:

  • Training Computational Thinking (Five 1.5-hour meetings for a total of 7.5 hours)
    Children are introduced to programming with the Codey Rocky Educational Robot and learn to use critical thinking.
  • A Videogame with Scratch (Five 1.5-hour meetings for a total of 7.5 hours)
    The lab aims to provide the basic skills necessary to develop a 2D videogame. The children will learn to programme, understand the difference between bidimensional and tridimensional animation, and how to design and develop a videogame in a fun manner.

The classes (Years 2-5) will be divided into two groups: group A will meet every Tuesday (4.45 - 6.15 pm), while group B will meet every Thursday at the same time. Today, Group B will be coached by the young robotics champion Emanuele Coletta

In 2016, at 14, Emanuele Coletta was the youngest digital ambassador for European Project Make Learn Share Europe. Infected by family and friends, he was already passionate about electronics, coding, and robotics. When we met him, he couldn't wait to enrol at IIS Galileo Galilei in Rome to learn more about automation and robots, but he was already competing with his classmates in the Rescue category. In 2021, he became world champion in the RoboCup Worldwide edition in the Soccer Light Weight category. Emanuele returned to RomeCup 2023 to referee matches in the Soccer Light Weight Category. He is one of the youngest and most passionate trainers of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. 




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