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“Robotics is Constructive”

il team MegaHertz alla RomeCup

“Robotics is Constructive”

“Robotics is Constructive”

Team MegaHertz at RoboCup Junior with football robots

At RomeCup 2024, the teams from the Lorenzo Cobianchi School in Verbania, composed of students in the fourth year of the electronics programme, participated in the competitions, placing second in the following categories: Team MegaHertz in Soccer Open and Team KiloHertz in Soccer Light Weight. They then participated in the national and European selection process.

Team MegaHertz is currently at RoboCup, the world robotics championships being held in Holland (July 17-21 in Eindhoven) [see news: Robocup Opens Today in Eindhoven].

The team, coordinated by Prof. Raimondo Sgrò, is composed by Giuliano MarinielloPietro CovaLuca ColomboStefano Giordani, and Daniel Vellone.

Here is an interview with Pietro Cova at the Rome Campidoglio, filmed during the final phases of RomeCup 2024 (March 20-22).

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