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Research Award 2025. Third edition of the award

Research Award
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Research Award 2025. Third edition of the award

Research Award 2025. Third edition of the award

Most promising researcher in robotics and artificial intelligence

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale ETS, on the occasion of the RomeCup 2025, sponsored by the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities, the National Research Council and the Italian Institute of Technology, is promoting, with Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma and Università degli Studi Roma Tre, the third edition of the Most promising researcher in robotics and artificial intelligence award to be given to young researchers and PhD students involved in research projects in the field of robotics and/or artificial intelligence. The award relies on the collaboration of prestigious universities and research centers.
A jury appointed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, made up of academics and representatives from the technical and scientific world, will evaluate the applications and select the winner, who will be announced on May 8th during RomeCup 2025.

The award aims to recognize and support the work of young talents engaged in research activities in frontier technological sectors crucial for the development of our country, such as robotics and artificial intelligence.

The 20,000 euro award is given to the person, in recognition of creativity, vision, dedication, perseverance, and the ability to contribute to the development and progress of humanity through their research.

Only individuals, doctoral students in all disciplines and/or PhDs, and/or researchers up to the age of 34, who carry out research in Italy at centers, organizations, institutes, universities or other public and private structures, can compete for the award.

To participate, you must fill out the registration form by 20:00 on February 28, 2025 and attach:

  • academic curriculum vitae in pdf format (according to the attached model)
  • a letter of reference in pdf format
  • an academic paper of which you are the author or co-author (the most representative with respect to the application)
  • a photo (max 2 MB)

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