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Public Administration for Citizens

Facilitazione digitale

Public Administration for Citizens

Public Administration for Citizens

Digital facilitation: webinar on life-simplifying services today.

Italy still lags behind in terms of digitalising citizen and business access to public administration services. Only 41.1% of Italians interacts with public agencies on-line, compared to an EU average of 54.3%. And only 23% of citizens interacts through modules and this places Italy amongst the last of the 195 European regions. According to a report on bureaucracy produced by Confartigianato based on Eurostat and Eurobarometre data, only 34% of Italian citizens is satisfied with public services, a fact that ranks Italy first to last – ahead of Greece – amongst the 27 EU countries. In fact, the satisfaction level is 20% lower than the EU average of 54%.

So, do we really know what digital services are available? Do we know how to use them? Thanks to the National Plan for Resilience and Recovery, life-simplifying services are on the rise: for example, 14 different types of digital certificates can be requested on-line, the PagoPa Platform allows secure payments, and we can consult our tax status and health expenses, and much more.

Today, there will be a one-hour on-line meeting (16:00-17:00) organised by the Network of Rome Digital Facilitation Centres, that will explain how to use the public administration’s digital services. The coach is Dario Caravaggioni.

To participate, register on FMD Academy. If you are not familiar with digital tools, you can call +39 375 652 0280 (also WhatsApp), Monday to Friday (11:00-13:00). A facilitator will help you register and book. Remember to keep your tax code handy.


Digital Citizens: PA Portals 

Oct. 30, 2024, 16:00-17:00    

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