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A Project Platform

CS First

A Project Platform

A Project Platform

CS First in primary school: from motor education to mathematics

We continue to report on Project CS First with the testimonials provided by protagonists. Today, we share with you the opinion of Prof. Giusi Giurlando, interviewed by Onelia Onorati.

You teach in a first-year primary school class, what was the impact of the platform?

I started to learn about CS First this year to then use it in my classes. So, participating in this training session has been of strategic value. It will help me understand how to calibrate the interaction between traditional teaching methodologies and new technology. I currently teach music, mathematics, science and English and continuously use video and audio content, as well as other interactive methods conducted by the teacher. This hybridization allows the children I teach, aged 5-6, to keep their attention.

Do you believe the platform can be applied to such a particular context as primary school?

I believe that starting next year, in year two, I could start using it on small projects, such as developing a short series of commands, rather than an entire sequence. The areas of application vary. It could even be used in motor education. In this case, students who have difficulties organizing their space and/or doing their exercises, could benefit from the first-hand experience of a process ranging from design to observation to execution of a sequence of movements.

Can you already envisage a project for your subjects?

Probably in mathematics. I often use fish as a sign of more or less. So, placing a fish in the space between two groups of objects – one larger and the other smaller – and having it move in one direction or the other, can simplify the concept of different quantities. I hope to have the time to do it during the lessons.

What did you find most stimulating during the training course?

I appreciated the practical experience with the coach who invited us to try out what he was explaining to us. I was able to do it. So, instead of taking notes, I learned directly. Many courses provide an excess of theory, while I appreciated the practical labs.

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