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LV8. Coding for Girls: the Federico Caffé Team wins the Hackathon

LV8. Coding for girls, il team del Federico Caffé vince l'hackathon

LV8. Coding for Girls: the Federico Caffé Team wins the Hackathon

LV8. Coding for Girls: the Federico Caffé Team wins the Hackathon

Final appointment today at the University of Roma Tre.

Orienting upper secondary school students to study and select jobs in STEAM with an innovative and challenging game based on artificial intelligence is the objective of Project LV8. Coding for Girls, a declination of the national Coding Girls Programme, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the Fondazione Vodafone. LV8 is a free app designed by the Vodafone Foundation to allow young people to acquire digital skills and certifications useful for the working world.

Today’s final event (10:00 – 16:30) at the Department of Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Roma Tre will include a hackathon with 117 students from 10 schools: Sardinia (ITE Martini - Cagliari), Lazio (IIS Federico Caffè, Liceo Scientifico Avogadro, Liceo Kant, Liceo Plauto, Liceo Scientifico Keplero, IIS Pacinotti Archimede - Rome  and ITI Volta - Tivoli), Campania (IIS Majorana - Pozzuoli), and Molise (IIS A. Giordano - Venafro). 

During the training sessions, students experimented with generative artificial intelligence solutions in a completely new way thanks to the LV8 app, which is organised as a learning game based on various levels. After becoming "hackers" of the "Sacher" secret society, students were divided into 30 teams for the challenge and produced engaging multimedia content (video, posts, stories, etc.) to recruit other young people. In total, 1000 students participated in the project for a total of 42 classes, 89 teachers, and 11 coaches.

Team Genoveffa from IIS F. Caffè in Rome won the award for best project. The challenge was launched at the end of the morning, which began with a welcome by Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Salvatore Andrea Sciuto, Director of the Department of Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical at the University of Roma Tre, and Adriana Versino, President of the Vodafone Foundation. The morning continued with an interesting orientation session entitled "Inspire your Future" held by two brilliant young researchers from the Department of Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Roma Tre, Flavia Forconi and Federica Mitri.

In particular, Flavia Forconi illustrated Project ARIA (Animal-borne systems for environmental Al monitoring) which is developing sensors for racing pigeons and seagulls to estimate air quality and atmospheric levels in different areas. CO2 and NOx sensors are integrated with position and movement sensors to extract useful information on the possible correlation between air pollution and animal behaviour. Federica Mitri also presented her work which consists in the creation, starting from quantum dots, of sensors for applications ranging from environmental monitoring to the fight against forest fires, and even anti-terrorism. These semiconductor material nanocrystals are widely used in commercial products such as computer monitors and television screens based on QLED technology, but also in the biomedical and diagnostic field as biosensors or biomarkers.


  • Best Project: Team Genoveffa, IIS F. Caffè – Rome. Team members: Pietro, Edoardo, Filippo Margherita, and Davide
  • Most Creative Project: Team Chiarak, Liceo Kant - Rome. Team members: Linda, Marta, and Giulia.
  • Most Exciting Project: Team PLEML, Liceo Keplero - Rome. Team members: Michele, Lorenzo, Paolo, Emanuele, and Leonardo.
  • Best Use of AI: Team Assunta, IIS Pacinotti Archimede - Rome. Team members: Matteo, Alessandro, and Diego.





  • Pepper, IIS E. Majorana - Pozzuoli, Naples
  • Agrippina, Liceo A. Avogadro - Rome
  • Genoveffa, IIS F. Caffè - Rome
  • Enigma, IIS F. Caffè - Rome
  • Carmela Buonpane, IIS E. Majorana - Pozzuoli, Naples
  • Sognatori, ITI Volta - Tivoli, Rome
  • Chiara,  Liceo Kant - Rome
  • Anastasia, IIS A. Giordano - Venafro, Isernia
  • Cagliari Fornia , ITE Martini - Cagliari
  • Elettra, IIS F. Caffè - Rome
  • Pleml, Liceo Keplero - Rome
  • Farfalline,  Liceo Plauto - Rome
  • Assunta  IIS Pacinotti Archimede - Rome.

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