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Learning to Teach

IC Fratelli Cervi al fab lab

Learning to Teach

Learning to Teach

Faculty at IC Fratelli Cervi at the Innovation Gym Fab Lab

Last week faculty at IC Fratelli Cervi, the school directed by Marco Di Maro, returned to the Innovation Gym on Via del Quadraro to explore the operation of a digital manufacturing lab and learn to use its devices for didactic activities [also see news: An Innovation Gym in Corviale].

Onelia Onorati conducted some short interviews to sound the moods and expectations of the teachers involved in the training activities.

This innovative equipment will provide students with fantastic experiences that will fill them with enthusiasm. Who knows how much we can do!

We are here to become practical with this beautiful fab lab. We are trying to produce objects that we will then shape with a laser cutter. We hope to have our students carry out the same activities next year.

We are here to prove ourselves … to gain first-hand experience and competences that we will then transfer to our students.

The lab sessions are held as part of Smart & Heart Rome, a project promoted with the support of the Department of Digital Transformation of the Rome Council. Activities will begin in September at the Corviale Innovation Gym (Municipio XI). The teachers are preparing to manage it so that it will become a tool for didactic innovation and involve the entire local community in lifelong learning activities.

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