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Learning to Learn is Easy

Centri di facilitazione digitale

Learning to Learn is Easy

Learning to Learn is Easy

Find out about the closest centre and simplify your life with digital tools.

Besides the two on-line courses on artificial intelligence and IT security [see: Agile Training for Digital Skills], the project that is about to be launched by the Department for Strategic Planning and PNRR of Rome together with the “Network for Digital Facilitation Services” will also include other methods of aid and support for citizens.

In particular, there will be five appointments starting next week in the Digital Facilitation Centres run by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Each meeting will aim to introduce strategic skills to become independent in the use of one or more services (i.e., opening an e-mail account or making payments on-line).

There will be two sessions on each day: in the morning (9.30 – 11:00) and in the afternoon (17.30 – 19:00). What do you have to learn to do most urgently? Register immediately!

If you have problems registering on-line, you can contact us by phone (+39 375 652 0280) from Monday to Friday (11:00 – 13:00) and we will help you. Please remember to keep your tax code at hand.


  • July 2 | Send and Receive: Creating an e-mail account and messaging apps
  • July 9 | Digital Identity: SPID, CIE, and Tupassi booking
  • July 17 | On-line Security: Fake news and privacy
  • July 24 | Digital Citizens: PA portals
  • July 29 | Digital Citizens: On-line payment systems 


Find the centre closest to you to receive assistance and free training

Città Educativa, Via del Quadraro 102 (Tuscolano, Municipio VII)


  • CPIA 3, corso Vittorio Emanuele 217 (Municipio I)
  • Majorana, piazza Minucciano 33 (Val Melaina, Municipio III)
  • Piero Angela, viale Ratto delle Sabine 3 (Casal Monastero, Municipio IV)
  • A. Gentileschi, via Carpineto, 11, via dei Glicini 60 (Prenestino-Centocelle, Municipio V, only during the summer) 
  • Melissa Bassi, via dell'Archeologia 137 (Torre Bella Monaca, Municipio VI)
  • Fontanile Anagnino, via del Casale Agostinelli snc (Casal Morena, Municipio VII)
  • L. Pirelli, via Rocca di Papa 30 (Tuscolano, Municipio VII, from September)
  • A. Ruiz, viale Africa 109 (Europa, Municipio IX)
  • C. Urbani, via dell'Idroscalo 88 (Lido di Ostia, Municipio X)
  • Fratelli Cervi, via Casetta Mattei 279 (Corviale, Municipio XI)
  • Einstein-Bachelet, via Pasquale II 237 (Primavalle, Municipio XIV)
  • F. De Sanctis, via Cassia 931 (Tomba di Nerone, Municipio XV)

Elderly Centres

  • Bel respiro, via Vitellia 104 (Gianicolense, Municipio XII)
  • Prima Valle, via Ludovico Jacobini 7 (Primavalle, Municipio XIV)

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Centri di facilitazione digitale

Centri di facilitazione digitale

Digital facilitation centres are spaces dedicated to support and free training, aimed at improving the digital skills of citizens aged between 18 and 74.

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