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Job Digital Lab in Bologna

Job Digital Lab

Job Digital Lab in Bologna

Job Digital Lab in Bologna

How to communicate on-line to strengthen brand reputation.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.” Everything knows this quote by Warren Buffet, but only a few really know what the founding elements of a good business reputation really are.

And yet, reputation may precede direct knowledge. It can orient perception and drive to a purchase. A company with a good reputation attracts more clients and sells its products and services better (and at the best).

And now it’s even more true. According to the 2023 Report by The RepTrak Company – the company that annually determines the top 100 brands with the best global reputation – it no longer is only about what a company offers, but how it offers it. Businesses must not only provide a quality product at a convenient price, given the recession, but also demonstrate that it is doing so ethically and respecting society and the environment.

Thus, digital tools are an opportunity to tell the story of a company, its identity and values, to an increasingly vast audience, overcoming physical boundaries. In order to support local businesses develop and consolidate their on-line reputation with digital tools, Job Digital Lab, the programme developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and ING Italia to develop digital skills, arrives in Bologna for an on-line event in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna.

The Job Digital Lab on-line training meeting, which will be held on May 30 from 14.30 to 16.30, is dedicated to the use of digital tools to develop and reinforce brand reputation. During the event, there will also be the presentation of practical cases and success stories as a model and source for inspiration:

The Bologna event is one of the appointments of the of the third edition of Job Digital Lab which, between 2020 and 2022, provided training to over 11,000 people in Italy. The training programme, born from the collaboration between ING Italia and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, aims to promote a greater diffusion of digital skills as a tool for intercepting the opportunities provided by digital transformation.

The programme of the third edition is even more ambitious. From October 2022 to June 2023, Job Digital Lab presents custom-tailored training to the needs of people and their communities with the objective of providing innovative resources and tools for both personal and community sustainable growth. The 10-month project aims to train over 8000 people through networking with experts, companies, trade associations, local administrations, public and private organisations, and orientation and employment centres.

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