A meeting with LinkedIn dedicated to young people in transition
‘Few people know that I had a really difficult time at university. Crushed by a heavy illness, I found myself for several months in a limbo that seemed endless. I came out of it, slowly, as if by a miracle. How? People. A shock from my beloved Prof Gianni Degli Antoni, a kind word from the Analysis 2 teacher (perhaps the real miracle), teammates, the support of a person important to me...'.
These words, written by Luigi Centenaro, founder of BigName, on his LinkedIn profile, remind us how much the support of others can be the spark to get back on track. This is precisely the heart of the concept ofgiving back: sharing with the community what we have received, providing experience, time and skills for those facing difficult times.
With this spirit, on 30 January next, we will organise a workshop in Milan , in collaboration with LinkedIn, dedicated to young people in transition, those who are going through a phase of transition, without defined study or work commitments.
During the meeting, led by Luigi Centenaro and LinkedIn experts, we will explore practical tools to
- re-engage in the labour market
- improve one's professional profile
- build a strategic network of contacts.
The event takes place in two sessions
- from 10am to 12pm
- from 14 to 16.
Each session is open to a maximum of 50 participants, with registrations handled in chronological order. In case of overbooking, the booking is automatically moved to the next session.
All participants receive a voucher to activate LinkedIn Premium free of charge for 12 months, a valuable tool to access exclusive opportunities and strengthen their skills.
The workshop, within the framework of the project Skills for a fresh start in collaboration with LinkedIn, is organised with a dynamic and motivational approach to rekindle the ability and desire to plan for the future.
Invite those who might need it and become that person who can make a difference for someone else. Because a gesture of giving back can change not only a life, but also an entire community.