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G4Greta Final Event

Evento finale di G4Greta

G4Greta Final Event

G4Greta Final Event

10 project selected. Awards and party today

We have reached the end of Project G4Greta (Girls for GREen Technology Applications), promoted by Sapienza University of Rome and sponsored by the Regione Lazio, with the support of IBM. The awards ceremony and party will take place at 2 pm today.

The young women in Years 3-4 of second-degree secondary school were involved in nine training sessions at Sapienza University, from November 2022 to April 2023. The specific skills acquired by the participants concern the use of IT as a support to environmental sustainability, addressing two central challenges for building the world of the future: the ecological transition and the digital transition [see news: Critical Mass Against the Gender Gap].

To select the ten best projects, Valentina GelsominiLara Forgione, and Valeria Cristino from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, also participated in the work of the jury.

Today, Giovanna Cipolla will intervene at the final ceremony that will announce the three winning projects.

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