Be internet awesome: a game of physical exploration
Interland is an on-line game developed by Google to help children learn about the fundamental lessons for web safety through four experiences in fantastic kingdoms. Developed with the help of digital security experts, the game addresses all age groups, but focuses especially on children aged 8-13.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale has developed an “analogical” version of Interland, a table game, and with the help of an expert web designer, the Interland Room. This is a physical space that represents the four kingdoms in the game, with the same graphics as the digital version, in which children can enjoy both didactic and analogical digital activities related to the course.
Each kingdom includes a monitor with vocal support that explains the activities, a questions and riddles session (on the monitor), and a manual game to build a tower for the “Treasure Tower” and Leonardo Da Vinci’s bridge for the “River of Reality.”
The activities in each kingdom last no longer than 40 minutes.
The game is based on a modular system that is adaptable to different environments. All the props are easy to assemble, disassemble, and move.
In the video, Marta Pietrelli shows the game set up at the Roma Città Educativa’s Innovation Gym.
The Interland Table Game
The table game requires players to advance on a board with their place marker with the objective of arriving first at the end. The game board consists of four sections, one for each kingdom, that can be used individually or together, based on your needs. The game includes questions, unexpected events, and bonuses to stimulate the players to learn about digital citizenship skills in each kingdom of the game.