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Digital Remain

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Digital Remain

Digital Remain

The contribution of Coding Girls for local development.

In two articles on Agenda Digitale, Director General Mirta Michilli addresses the issue of “digital remain” as an answer to the brain drain, highlighting the centrale role that STEM and technology have in keeping young talent in communities. Initiatives such as Coding Girls contribute not only to reducing the gender gap, but also to providing opportunities for social mobility and sustainable development. Thanks to collaborations with universities, schools, and companies, Coding Girls promotes the empowerment of women and the rooting of youth in local productive systems, driving a fair and inclusive digital transformation.

University: in Molise, Digital Remain Trumps the Brain Drain  
Thanks to local universities and collaborations with enterprises, Molise is managing to keep its young talent. Concrete projects promote local development challenging stereotypes and driving the “brain remain.”

Digital Women: the University of Salerno Beats Stereotypes   
With 56% female graduates, the University of Salerno drives change in STEM. Projects like Coding Girls and BeDigital promote gender equality and inclusive digital transformation.


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