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Designing the Future

La storia di Maria

Designing the Future

Designing the Future

The “transformative” story of Maria, who was tired of constant change.

Maria Luca, 35, was born in Catania and has a slew of interests: cinema and theatre, above all, but also cartoons and graphics, as well as mechanics and social media. After studying industrial design at the art institute and having founded a theatre company in her city, she moved to Rome in 2009 to work in cinema. “I enrolled in a programme at the Department of Art History and Entertainment at Sapienza University, but I was already working as a storyboard assistant. I realized that the programme would not help me, so I decided to follow a different programme: a theology programme at the Department of History of Religion. In the meantime, I had won a scholarship at the Roman School of Cinema and Photography,” Maria explained to Onelia Onorati in this short interview.

This eclectic approach continued to characterise Maria through other phases of her life, too. “After starting a career in cinematography, on sets and scenography labs, I set myself a deadline to change my life. I did not want to constantly keep changing city, working at night, and working as a temp as happens in the world of cinema and audiovisuals. Moreover, I turned another hobby into a job by working in the digital sector at advertising agencies, where I began working with well-known brands. After my initial experiences in the world of advertising, I came across Project Dig4All on Instagram and chose to follow the specialisation course on Social Media Marketing.  And so, I started refusing temporary job offers to concentrate on this new phase of my life. 

I learned a lot, and not just about concepts, but thanks to the particularity of the project. I’m referring, for example, to the figure of the career tutor, who helped me order my ideas and plan my future, as well as the coaches who provided me with the tools necessary to organise my new skills. Practice – using tools to keep updated – is fundamental in this field. And I kept receiving material and information after the course had finished.”

In July, Maria was one of the protagonists of the networking event for companies at Binario F. “I was able to introduce myself and it was a pleasure, as I’m not shy at all. I was very happy to be selected as one of the participants and various companies sought me out on account of my profile. I found people who were interested in my talents, who had genuine interest in helping me to emerge.”

A presentation that particularly struck an office design company with which Maria is currently conducting a series of interviews.

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