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The Constitution in Sign Language

Global Junior Challenge 2009. Il mondo in piazza

The Constitution in Sign Language

The Constitution in Sign Language

A translation of the first twelve articles. The video uploaded to the Quirinale website.

From yesterday, the International Day of Sign Languages, the Quirinale website has uploaded a video translating the first twelve articles of the Italian Constitution into sign language. The video was produced by the National Agency for the Protection and Assistance of the Deaf (ENS) in collaboration with the Presidency of the Republic. The objective is to make the constitution accessible to all citizens.

The first translators of the constitution are the national councillors of the Italian Deaf Youth Committee (CGSI): President Yuri Daniele Di Stefano, Vice President Sonja Maria Tomasello, and Councillors Emanuela Arma and Maura Ciardelli. 

This is another important result for the civil commitment of many, including Linguist Tullio De Mauro  (Torre Annunziata, 1932 - Rome, 2017), a great scholar of the constitution, literature on sign language, and a “friend of the deaf.”

Thanks to De Mauro’s precious guidance, we have often involved the deaf in our events as, for example, with the public exhibition of the Deaf Drums Road, a group of deaf percussionists directed by Maestro Sergio Quarta, at Piazza Vittorio. The exhibition took place in 2009 as part of the final evening of the Global Junior Challenge and the “World in Piazza” event.

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