Today, the “Museo del Risparmio” host the final event of the national tour.
Today, the Turin “Museo del Risparmio” will host the final event of the national tour organised by Coding Girls, the programme that orients the new generations towards careers of the future with STEAM. The programme involved 900 students from 42 secondary schools in 12 Italian Regions participated and 33 universities for a total of 176 hours of training, 9 hackathons and 3 more that will be held in September, as well as 40 coaches. These are the stats of the ninth edition of the project conceived by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and supported by the United States Diplomatic Mission to Italy, in collaboration with Microsoft, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and ING Italia.
The pay gap between men and women is less marked in science, mathematics, technology and computer science, according to the most recent Eurostat Report, that nonetheless illustrates how the route to equality and inclusion is still long. And this is why it is so important to support projects that eliminates gender bias from early childhood, like Coding Girls, the educational programme conceived to help orient students towards STEM studies and professions.
Currently in its ninth edition, the educational alliance guided by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, involves schools, families, universities, companies, and public and private organisations. Moreover, the successful synergy continues with the United States Diplomatic Mission to Italy, in collaboration with Microsoft, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and ING Italia.
The national tour of the ninth edition organised creative coding challenges involving 900 students from 50 second-degree secondary schools, with 34 universities for a total of 176 hours of training, 40 coaches, 9 hackathons (Rome, Milan, Gorizia, Salerno, Bari, Pisa, Palermo, Cagliari, Naples) and 3 more (Bologna, Perugia, Ancona) that will be held in September. Universities reinforce orientation activities by collaborating actively with the programme through their departments, hosting hackathons, and involving their students as tutors and role models.
In collaboration with Microsoft, training was also provided on cybersecurity to develop secure apps. In March, there was a double appointment with “Io conto” that allowed students to prepare for the Global Money Week with a hackathon organised in collaboration with ING to create an app to plan financial projects securely.
At the end of each training sessions, hackathons were organised in Italian universities, with creative challenges to design service or assistance apps. The students worked in groups, also developing pitches for the juries. The expert assigned awards based on three categories: inclusion, creativity, and innovation. The projects were developed with marvel, a web and mobile-based prototyping platform, and an open source Arduino kit.
Amongst the winning projects of the various hackathons, there was an application developed in Rome to help blind people to manage their finances independently and one application for the exchange of recyclable materials developed in Salerno. In Pisa, the winning award provides information on the state of rights and freedom in various countries, while, in Palermo, students developed a sustainable smart room to contain expenses and electricity waste.
Coding Girls in Turin is in its fourth year, the first after the previous three-year programme (2019-21). It involved 16 schools (5 first-degree and 11 second-degree secondary schools in Turin and its provinces. The programme delivered 130 hours of on-site training; 5 for each middle school, in three meetings, and 10 for each secondary school, in five meetings.
Conference Speakers
- Giovanna Paladino, Director and Curator, Museo del Risparmio
- Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Chiara Mizzi, Director External Relations and Philanthropies, Microsoft Italia
- Silvia Colombo, Head of Communication & CSR, ING Italia
- Paola Sabbione, Programme Manager, “Obiettivo Cultura,” Compagnia di San Paolo
- Carlotta Salerno, Councillor for Education, Scholastic Real Estate, Youth Policy, Suburbs and Urban Regeneration, City of Turin

News about the individual hackathons:
- Cagliari The Measure of Social Impact
- Palermo Everything is Transformed
- Pisa An App for Freedom of Choice
- Bari The App of the Future
- Salerno A Needed App
- Udine Shall We Share It?
- Varese “Io Conto” in Varese
- Rome “Io Conto” in Rome
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