A challenge for two schools from Gorizia today at the University of Udine
Hackathons continue at Italian universities, thanks to Coding Girls, the large educational consortium born in 2014 which has developed a programme to train the new generations on Steam and orient them towards the careers of the future.
Now in its ninth edition, the program relies on a large educational consortium led by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, which involves schools, families, universities, companies and public and private organizations. A fruitful synergy continues with the US Diplomatic Mission in Italy, and in collaboration with Microsoft, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and ING Italia.
In its ninth edition, the project involves 900 students from 42 second-degree secondary schools, for a total of 176 hours of training, 12 hackathons (Rome, Milan, Gorizia, Salerno, Bari, Pisa, Palermo, Cagliari, Naples, Bologna, Perugia, Ancona), and the work of 40 coaches. Universities strengthen orientation activities by actively collaborating in the training program through individual departments, hosting hackathons, and involving university students as tutors.
Cybersecurity issues are explored with Microsoft to create mobile apps, based on the Open Web Application Security Project. In the double "I Count" appointment in March, students participated in a hackathon with ING to design a financial planning app for Global Money Week.
As we anticipated in the week's agenda, the next hackathon will be held today, April 14, at the University of Udine, one of our partners since 2020. The protagonists are 38 students from the Dante Alighieri and Galilei Pacassi–Fermi Schools in Gorizia. During the challenge, the students will be assisted by Coaches Lorenzo Bellina and Cristiano Gosetti.
Between the end of March and the beginning of April, each of the two schools hosted two two-hour meetings. Coaches Cristiano Gosetti and Lorenzo Bellina, students on the master’s degree in computer science programme, deepened students’ knowledge of applications for mobile devices, proposing that participants use software to design an app. The workshops were organized with the support of professors Patrizia Stabon ∫ Barbara Olivo (Isis "Dante Alighieri") and professors Marco Corbatto and Sara Scarazzolo (Isis "Galilei Fermi Pacassi").

Two more challenges are scheduled in April at the University of Salerno (April 20) and at the University of Bari (April 21).